英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:50:13

in brief

英 [in bri:f]

美 [ɪn brif]

总之; 简单地说,简而言之

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1. in a concise manner
in a few words

e.g. the history is summed up concisely in this book
she replied briefly
briefly, we have a problem
to put it shortly

Synonym: conciselybrieflyshortlyin short

1. in brief的解释

1. 简单地说:in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 | in brief 简单地说 | in case 假使,以防万一

2. 简言之;以简洁的形式:in any event 不管怎样,无论如何 | in brief 简言之;以简洁的形式 | in case of 假如,万一...

3. 简言之:in a word 总之 | in brief 简言之 | in conclusion 总;最后


4. 简单扼要地:61. literature n.文学(作品),文艺,著作,文献 | in brief简单扼要地 | 63. consequently adv.从而,因此

In brief, hybrid databases are still composed of relational tables.(简单地说,混合数据库仍由关系表构成。)
In brief, the meeting was a disaster.(总之,那会议糟透了。)
Please describe in brief the route, especially the crux section, your overall experience in it and how was working on it?(请简单描述一下这条路线,特别是难点部分,你磕线的经历以及如何最终拿下它的?)
And rend the garment of my life, in brief.(生活之外衣,我拼命扯撕。)
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, there in brief attendance, stops to embrace Queen Rania before departing.(参议员希拉里·克林顿在当晚短暂出席,在离开前她拥抱了拉尼亚王后。)
In brief (by his standards) media appearances, he let slip a few more details of his condition.(在简短(相对他的一贯作风而言)的媒体露面中,他略略透漏了自己病情的一些细节。)
In brief, I am always looking at things from the perspective of reality, and also very considerate.(总而言之,我总是从实际的方面去考虑,而且考虑得很周到。)
In brief, a theory of love might be best expressed by saying: We are drawn to what is familiar rather than unfamiliar.(简而言之,一个关于爱情的论点最好如此表述:相似者相吸,相反者相斥。从“Familiar”这个词的词源上探求,也能知其一二。它来源于古法语的“familier”,原意是“属于家庭的”以及拉丁语的“familiaris”。)
Sleep came to him in brief snatches.(他时睡时醒。)
In brief, how do you get authors to create and enter reliable metadata for their content?(简言之,就是如何让作者为其内容创建并输入可靠的元数据。)
in brief是什么意思 in brief在线翻译 in brief什么意思 in brief的意思 in brief的翻译 in brief的解释 in brief的发音 in brief的同义词