英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 18:30:42



英 [ˈɪnsekt]

美 [ˈɪnˌsɛkt]


形容词: insectival 名词复数: insects

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  • 昆虫,虫
  • 可鄙的人,渺小的人
  • 插入,打断
  • [C]昆虫 a small creature such as an ant or fly


1. small air-breathing arthropod

2. a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect

Synonym: wormlousedirt ball

1. 昆虫;虫
An insect is a small animal that has six legs. Most insects have wings. Ants, flies, butterflies, and beetles are all insects.

1. insect的解释

1. 虫:昆虫的定义 [昆虫简介] 昆虫 (Insect) 节肢动物的一纲,身体分头、胸、腹三部. 头部有触角、眼、口器等. 胸部有足三对,翅膀两对或一对,也有没翅膀的. 腹部


2. 昆虫;虫:inscription 记入 | insect 昆虫;虫 | Insecta 昆虫纲

3. insect的意思

3. 昆蟲:使疾病能在昆蟲和人之間傳播:Rodent齧齒目動物:使疾病能在齧齒目動物和人之間傳播. | Insect昆蟲:使疾病能在昆蟲和人之間傳播. | Airborne空中傳播/飛沫傳染:使疾病能經由空氣傳播.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He was bitten by an insect in the garden.
  • There are many kinds of insects in this area.
  • Of Insects, few are used as meat, except snailes.

    出自:R. Lovell
  • At once came forth whatever creeps the ground, Insect or Worme.

  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的insectum,意为昆虫的躯体结构像切开的一样。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.insect

Some plants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away.



  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There are some deer and zebras near the Insect House.(昆虫馆附近有些鹿和斑马。)
Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.(蜜蜂所使用的交流系统是昆虫中最复杂的之一。)
The spider feels the web move and walks across the web and kills the insect.(蜘蛛感觉到网的颤动,便穿过蜘蛛网杀死昆虫。)
Like animals that eat a certain plant and that plant relies on a certain fungus to help it get nutrients from soil and on a certain insect for pollination.(比如动物吃某种植物,而这种植物依靠某种真菌从土壤中获取营养,依靠某种昆虫来授粉。)
On the other hand, rainfall increased in the interior of western Africa, and the northern limit of the tsetse fly, an insect fatal to cattle, moved south.(另一方面,西非内陆的降雨量增加,采采蝇活动区域的北部边界向南移动——一种对牛致命的昆虫。)
Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head.(钱伯斯唠唠叨叨,那声音像一只飞虫绕着他的头打转般令人发狂。)
I just had a look of the insect.(我就是看了看这个虫子。)
In the flooded forest, vines and roots created a web of gnarled wood covered with every type of biting insect.(在洪水四溢的森林里,藤条和树根形成了一个多节的木头网,其上有各种咬人的昆虫。)
Insect farming also produces far fewer greenhouse gases.(昆虫养殖产生的温室气体也少得多。)
These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.(这些晶体在昆虫死亡和分解后重新进入该环境,从而可以感染其他毛虫。)
insect是什么意思 insect在线翻译 insect什么意思 insect的意思 insect的翻译 insect的解释 insect的发音 insect的同义词