英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:53:11



英 [ˌɪnəˈbɪləti]

美 [ˌɪnəˈbɪlɪti]


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  • 无力,无能,无能为力,不能,无法,能力不够


1. lacking the power to perform

Synonym: unfitness

2. lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something

1. 无能;无力;不能
If you refer to someone's inability to do something, you are referring to the fact that they are unable to do it.

e.g. Her inability to concentrate could cause an accident.
e.g. ...the government's inability to provide basic services.

1. 无能;无力;无能为力:INAA 仪器中子活化分析 | inability 无能;无力;无能为力 | inaccessible pore 不可进入的孔隙

  • 经典引文

  • Their Inability for, and frequent contrariety to the bringing about such designs.

    出自:R. South
  • He could not evensthe inability distressed him out of all proportionsread people's minds.

    出自:A. Mason
  • A central difficulty in her life was an inability to say directly..what she felt.

    出自:N. Symington
For many months, our only sadness lay in our inability to establish the same friendship with the silent woman at the front of the bus.(好几个月来,我们唯一的悲哀在于,我们无法与站在巴士前面的那个沉默的女人建立起同样的友谊。)
The result perfectly matches Christie's own character, and shares his inability to compromise when it comes to delivering performance.(结果和克里斯蒂自己的性格完美地匹配,同时他在交付业绩时因无能而妥协。)
Is an inability to get away from work having a negative impact on health?(离不开工作对健康有负面影响吗?)
The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention.(主要问题在于他们不能区分现实和虚构。)
Rats can't vomit or burp because of a limiting wall between their two stomachs and their inability to control the diaphragm muscles needed for the action.(老鼠不能反胃或打嗝,因为它们受到了两个胃之间隔离墙的限制,它们也不能有效调节横隔膜肌肉的活动。)
In the past, one of the biggest disadvantages of machines has been their inability to work on a micro-scale.(在过去,机器最大的缺点之一就是无法在微尺度上工作。)
It has a history of "inability to deliver".(它拥有一段“无能力作为”的历史。)
A classic metaphor is that a donkey starving between two stacks of hay because of the inability to choose.(一个经典的隐喻是一头驴因为无法做出选择而在两堆干草中间挨饿。)
Her inability to concentrate could cause an accident.(她无法集中注意力可能会导致意外。)
We regret our inability to grant your request.(我们很遗憾不能同意您的要求。)
inability是什么意思 inability在线翻译 inability什么意思 inability的意思 inability的翻译 inability的解释 inability的发音 inability的同义词