英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:53:34


英 [ˌɪnə'pri:ʃəbl]

美 [ˌɪnə'pri:ʃɪrbəl]


副词: inappreciably

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. too small to make a significant difference

e.g. inappreciable fluctuations in temperature

1. 微不足道的:inappositely 不适合地 | inappreciable 微不足道的 | inappreciably 微不足道地

2. 微不足道的 (形):inapposite 不合适的 (形) | inappreciable 微不足道的 (形) | inappreciably 微不足道地 (副)

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Just enjoy, tasting happiness and satisfaction that your work gives you, in despite of how common it, even if it is so inappreciable in other's eyes.(不管这份工作再平凡,只要享受着,感受它给你的快乐和满足,哪怕在别人眼里它是那么的微不足道。)
As for the charge, that will be inappreciable.(至于费用,那将是徽不足道的。)
Your body locks up almost instantly, you go down to the ground with inappreciable damage, and you are no longer a threat to anyone.(你的身体几乎立即锁定,你去下到地面与微不足道的损害,你不再是任何人构成威胁。)
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