英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:35:33



英 [ɪnˈfɔ:mə(r)]

美 [ɪnˈfɔ:rmə(r)]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 告密者,告发者 ,密告者,密探
  • 通知者,通报者 ,情报人员,提供情报者,间谍
  • 告发其他罪犯的犯人


1. one who reveals confidential information in return for money

Synonym: betrayerratsquealerblabber

1. 告密者;线人
An informer is a person who tells the police that someone has done something illegal.

e.g. ...two men suspected of being police informers.

1. informer在线翻译

1. 告密者:(吉隆坡讯)反贪污局副总监拿督阿布卡欣表示,只要告密者(informer)能提供有利情报,并要求当局隐瞒身份,当局将在反贪污法令第五十三条文下会保护告密者.

2. 密告者:informed 见多识广的 | informer 密告者 | informidable 不可怕的

3. informer的解释

3. 告发者,告密者:265. infidel: 不信教者,异教徒. | 266. informer: 告发者,告密者. | 268. ingrate: 忘恩负义的人.

4. 告发者:有足够人手there was enough manpower | 告发者informer | 完成警察训练过程completed cadet training

  • 经典引文

  • Experience which is the truest informer, speaks aloud in this matter also.

    出自:R. Mathews
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

That rebel should is the backstage manipulator's informer and wants to provoke the narration between us and blue clothe male, it isn't to make the blue dress man collaborate with us.(那个叛徒应该是幕后黑手的眼线,想挑拨我们跟蓝衣男子的关系,是不让蓝衣男子与我们联手。)
The active ground deformation effect on arch dam was neglected informer arch dam design and research works.(拱坝地基的主动变形影响过去很少被拱坝设计与研究人员所注意。)
One particular English pilot was so embarrassed at being taken there that word of his odd behaviour reached the ears of an informer.(一名英国飞行员送来之后,尴尬不安,以至举止异常,消息传到告密者耳中。)
The attack was to be carried out by a unit of 6 men, according to the informer. Two arrived 6 to 8 weeks ago in Berlin, and 4 others were still waiting to enter the country.(据情报人员称,准备发动袭击的共有6人,其中2人已于6到8周前抵达柏林,而另外4人仍在伺机入境。)
All of the circumstantial evidence shows that that Dr. Warren's informer was indeed Margaret Kemble Gage - a lady of divided loyalties to both her husband and her native land.(所有的证据显示沃伦医生的线人确确实实就是玛格·丽特·肯布尔。盖基。于是,她身陷忠于丈夫还是故乡的两难境地。)
Any one of our employees could be the informer.(咱们的任罕救嘶位雇员都域许成为告密者。)
One businessman says it happened because the man was an informer.(一个商人表示,之所以发生此事是因为这名男子是一个告密者。)
One of the gang members had turned informer.(团伙中的一员后来变成了告密者。)
Prentice saw Goss fall in behind the informer.(普伦蒂斯看见戈斯走在密探身后。)
A man becomes a critic when he cannot be an artist the same way a man becomes an informer when he cannot be a soldier.(一个人做不了艺术家才成了评论家,好比一个人做不了军人,才成了告密者。)
informer是什么意思 informer在线翻译 informer什么意思 informer的意思 informer的翻译 informer的解释 informer的发音 informer的同义词