英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:02:18



英 [ɪnˈdʒʊəriəs]

美 [ɪnˈdʒʊriəs]


副词: injuriously 名词: injuriousness

  • 详情解释

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  • 有害的
  • 诽谤的,侮辱的,冒犯的,诋毁的
  • 中伤的
  • 致伤的
  • 不公正的


1. harmful to living things

e.g. deleterious chemical additives

Synonym: deleterioushurtful

1. 有害的;致伤的
Something that is injurious to someone or to their health or reputation is harmful or damaging to them.


e.g. ...substances that are injurious to health...
e.g. Stress in itself is not necessarily injurious.

1. 有害的:injure 受伤害 | injurious 有害的 | injury 受伤


2. 伤害的:injurious act 侵害行动 | injurious 伤害的 | injury to credit 损毁信用

3. 有害的,诽谤的:Dietitian 营养学家 | Injurious 有害的,诽谤的 | Erudite 博学的

4. 有害的;伤害的;侮辱的;诽谤的:injuria 侵害;伤害;妨害权利 | injurious 有害的;伤害的;侮辱的;诽谤的 | injurious falsehood 伤害性的谎言

  • 经典引文

  • Call me their traitor! Thou injurious tribune!

  • He holds a late royal master of mine in deep hate for some injurious treatment..which he received at his hand.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • Only his diplomat's charm had remained untouched by this injurious climate.

    出自:O. Manning
  • We worry that his actions are harmful at the moment or may be injurious to his future.

    出自:B. Bettelheim
We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest.(第十八条,我们要求坚决起诉那些其活动有害于公共利益的人。)
You may need to allow the user to enter potentially injurious characters into a textbox.(您可能需要允许用户将可能有害的字符输入到文本框中。)
The ground water level may rise so high that it becomes injurious to the crops to be grown.(地下水水位可能升得很高,以致损害将要种植的庄稼。)
Smoking is injurious to my health. Smoking injures my health.(吸烟有害我的健康。)
They are injurious to women's health.(它们对妇女的健康有害。)
He's never done anything injurious to morals.(他从未做过任何伤风败俗的事。)
Smoking is injurious to health.(吸烟对健康有害。)
Too much alcohol is injurious to your health.(喝太多酒对你的健康有害。)
There were a total of 228 cases of self-injurious behavior.(研究中发现总共有228例自我伤害行为。)
Objeictive: To evaluate the relationship between anxiety and the injurious degree of explosive hearing injury.(目的探讨炮震性听力损害程度与焦虑情绪的关系。)
injurious是什么意思 injurious在线翻译 injurious什么意思 injurious的意思 injurious的翻译 injurious的解释 injurious的发音 injurious的同义词