英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:02:39


英 [ˈɪnməʊst]

美 [ˈɪnmoʊst]


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1. situated or occurring farthest within

e.g. the innermost chamber

Synonym: innermost

2. being deepest within the self

e.g. one's innermost feelings

Synonym: innermost

1. 同 innermost
Inmost means the same as innermost .

e.g. He knew in his inmost heart that he was behaving badly.


1. 秘密的:inmesh 陷入 | inmost 秘密的 | inn 旅馆

2. inmost

2. 深潜,最内部,最深奥:hidden,藏着,躲藏,隐藏,秘密的 | inmost,深潜,最内部,最深奥 | inner,秘密,内部,内心,内在

3. 最里面的:aftermost 最后面的 | inmost 最里面的 | outmost 最外面的


4. 内心深处的:host 主人;东道主 | inmost 内心深处的 | utmost 最远的 n.极限

  • 经典引文

  • From the inmost depths of its green glen.

  • To know about a man, we ask 'What is his storyshis real, inmost story?'

    出自:O. Sacks
  • It was to Helen that he confided many of his inmost thoughts.

    出自:W. Raeper
In science as inmost fields of endeavour, it is important to have the right tool for the job.(自然科学领域如同大多数需要全力以赴的领域一样,拥有合适的工具非常重要。)
Till with the stain their inmost souls are dyed.(直到灵魂深处熏染了肮脏。)
Inmost cases, the third party was the investor's minor child.(而在大多数案例中,第三方往往都是投资人的未成年子女。)
I could see the inmost recesses.(你看出了我内心深处的思想。)
My inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.(你的嘴若说正直话,我的心肠也必快乐。)
If is were merely a pain it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.(如果它是会融在清澈眼泪里的微小的痛苦,它不用言语就可反映所有秘密。)
If it were merely a pain it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.(假如它是一阵痛苦,它将融化成晶莹眼泪,不着一字地反映出它最深的秘密。)
Li’s sculptures reveal the inmost secrets and psyche of city dwellers of China’s vast metropolis.(李的凋塑表达了中国大城市民众最深层的秘密和思维。)
Something in your inmost being tell you this is surely true.(在你的内心深处说着这是真的!)
They pardon thee in their inmost hearts only-for thine errors.(在他们的心的深处,他们只愿恕——你的过错。)
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