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更新时间:2024-05-27 19:06:16



英 [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv]

美 [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv]


副词: instructively 名词: instructiveness

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1. serving to instruct or enlighten or inform

Synonym: informative

1. 增进知识的;有教育意义的;有启发性的
Something that is instructive gives useful information.

e.g. It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.
e.g. ...an entertaining and instructive documentary.

1. 有教育意义的:BiU刚在电视上看了一部令人发笑的电影,显得很愉快. 这部电影讲的是一个马大哈到处闯祸的故事. Bill喜欢这部片子,Jalle却喜欢看那些不仅有趣,而且有教育意义的(instructive)节目. Bill认为有时人们需要轻松...

2. 智力的:insalubrious 有教育意义的 | instructive 智力的 | intellectual 中间的;过渡的

3. instructive的意思

3. 有启发性的:33.an essence of immortality 永恒的精髓 | 34.instructive 有启发性的 | 35.edification 熏陶

4. 有益的:instructional 指导的 | instructive 有益的 | instructively 教育地

The examples are good and instructive.(示例是优秀且有指导意义的。)
The movie is both interesting and instructive.(这部电影既有趣又有教育意义。)
The Hawaiian Islands provided a very instructive answer.(夏威夷群岛提供了一个非常有益的答案。)
They all think highly of the book because it is interesting and instructive.(他们高度评价这本书,因为这本书既有趣又有教育意义。)
Seeing cities from on top of a bike is both pleasurable and instructive.(在自行车上看城市,总是给予给我愉快而有益的体验。)
The works are instructive, often beautiful and occasionally thrilling.(这些精美绝伦的展品颇具启发性,有的甚至令人震撼。)
Again, Tunisia is instructive.(再一次,突尼斯有指导意义。)
The next year should be a very instructive and interesting time.(接下来的一年将会颇具教育意义,也会很有趣。)
The experience of Massachusetts is instructive.(马萨诸塞州的经验具有启发性。)
The performance of emerging-market equities has also been instructive.(新兴市场股票的表现也是具有启发意义的。)
instructive是什么意思 instructive在线翻译 instructive什么意思 instructive的意思 instructive的翻译 instructive的解释 instructive的发音 instructive的同义词