英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:09:20



英 [ˌɪntəˈlɒk]

美 [ˌɪntərˈlɑ:k]



过去式: interlocked 过去分词: interlocked 现在分词: interlocking 第三人称单数: interlocks

  • 英英释义

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1. the act of interlocking or meshing

e.g. an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check

Synonym: meshmeshinginterlocking

2. a device that prevents an automotive engine from starting

e.g. car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock

Synonym: ignition interlock



1. coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively

Synonym: mesh

2. become engaged or intermeshed with one another

e.g. They were locked in embrace

Synonym: lock

3. hold in a locking position

e.g. He locked his hands around her neck

Synonym: lockinterlace

1. (使)连锁;(使)相互扣住
Things that interlock or are interlocked go between or through each other so that they are linked.


e.g. The parts interlock...
e.g. Interlock your fingers behind your back...

2. (使)密切联系
If systems, situations, or plans are interlocked or interlock, they are very closely connected.

e.g. The problems of Israel, Lebanon, and the Gulf were tightly interlocked...
e.g. The tragedies begin to interlock...

1. 联锁:共通(COMMON) 端子与机壳电位等价联锁(INTERLOCK) ...........端子间开放时为保护(PROTECTION) 状态瞬时(MOMENTARY) ......... 仅仅在按住测试开始(START) 按钮的期间进电源线:1根/ 联锁(INTERLOCK) 用跳线:1根/

  • 经典引文

  • There were still large patches of green country interlocking with the tongues of buildings.

    出自:R. S. R. Fitter
  • Powerful thorns that interlocked with those of other plants to make the globe impenetrable.

    出自:J. A. Michener
After the two modules interlock, the jacks (400) repeat the process.(两个模块互锁之后,起重器(400)重复上述过程。)
The advantage of new system and manual interlock are used in old system revamp, which made the auto control of belt system perfect.(在旧皮带系统改造过程中,吸取了新系统设计的优点,并增加了皮带手动联锁,使皮带系统自动控制更加完善。)
Your girlfriend's fear seems to interlock with your fear.(你女友的恐惧看来和你的恐惧相关。)
Notice how the original jawbones interlock to form sturdy walls.(请注意下颚骨是如何联锁而形成坚墙的。)
I nod, merely the in the mind hesitate and interlock down how say like.(我点头,心里却犹豫着,接下来要怎么说好。)
Two motor pumps are spare to each other, realizing hydraulic interlock and electrical interlock.(二套电机泵组,互为备用,可实现液压联锁和电气联锁。)
The security and reliability of operation control and interlock are considered in its design of hardware and software.(在装置软、硬件设计时,对操作控制及闭锁的安全、可靠性都进行了详细的考虑。)
The excellent interlock function of new generation air circuit breaker(ACB)was introduced.(介绍了新一代万能式断路器的联锁功能。)
Is skinny interlock her this variety of thin little persons entire can easily of hand her to the adytum.(瘦得连她这种瘦小的人都可以轻易的把她扶到内殿。)
Step Four: Interlock your fingers, (thumbs should be on opposite sides), and twist again, this time, backs of fingers against palms.(第四步:双手手指相扣(拇指应该在相对的两侧),手指指背对着另一手的手心,互搓。)
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