英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:10:45


英 [ˌɪntə'venʃn]

美 [ˌɪntə'venʃn]



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  • 调停,斡旋,调解
  • 干预,干涉,妨碍
  • 介入,插入,插进
  • 防治实验
  • (父母对子女进行指导的)介入教学,父母对孩子的教育(或辅导);家庭教育
  • [C][U]介入,干涉,干预 involvement;intrusion


1. care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)

Synonym: treatment

2. (law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress
admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedings

e.g. the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits

3. the act or fact of interposing one thing between or among others

Synonym: interposition

4. the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.)

e.g. it occurs without human intervention

Synonym: intercession

5. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries

Synonym: interference

1. 干涉;干预
Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation.

e.g. ...the role of the United States and its intervention in the internal affairs of many countries.
e.g. ...military interventions.

1. intervention

1. 干预措施:在解释结果和下结论时应非常慎重,提示存在与干预措施效果相关的、重要的、潜在的偏倚因素,需进一步明确争议的来源. 除了定义目标人群(Population),干预措施(Intervention)以及预期结果(Outcome)外,Meta分析中的纳入标准应同时定义方法学标准.

2. intervention:inv; 干涉

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He believes in state intervention in the economy .
  • His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax.
  • Repeated interventions on the currency markets have failed to prevent the value of the currency falling.
  • A massive American intervention in the internal affairs of Laos in an effort to defeat the..insurgents.

    出自:N. Chomsky
  • Depression is a clinical state often requiring intervention.

    出自:G. Winokur
Early intervention is key.(及早干预是关键。)
That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.(那不需要“大规模”的军事干涉,一些人恶意地如此宣称。)
One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of time with minimal maintenance and intervention.(陷阱的一个优点是可以在一段时间内用最少的维护和干预进行收集。)
The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.(这次事件成了干涉那个地区的借口。)
Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.(回到公园后,比安奇代表儿子出面干预,结果却与另一个男孩的母亲进行了侮辱性的辱骂。)
The framework will automatically locate and execute files for you, without requiring any manual intervention.(这个框架将自动地为你定位并执行文件,不需要任何手动干预。)
One intervention, consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health.(有一种干预方法,即食用低热量但营养均衡的饮食,在很多动物身上都取得了令人难以置信的效果,它能延长寿命、维持身体健康。)
In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved.(在挪威,一项干预运动在全国推广后,对42所学校的评估表明,在两年的时间里,欺凌现象减少了一半。)
Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.(许多人觉得他会反对外来干预。)
That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving.(这相当于每行驶8047公里的自动驾驶里程,(驾驶员)要手动干涉一次。)
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