英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:50:29


英 ['aɪənklæd]

美 [ˈaɪənˌklæd]



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1. a wooden warship of the 19th century that is plated with iron or steel armor


1. inflexibly entrenched and unchangeable

e.g. brassbound traditions
brassbound party loyalists
an ironclad rule

Synonym: brassbound

2. sheathed in iron plates for protection

1. 绝对可靠的;天衣无缝的;万无一失的
If you describe a guarantee or plan as ironclad, you are emphasizing that it has been carefully put together, and that you think it is absolutely certain to work or be successful.

e.g. ...ironclad guarantees of safe passage...
e.g. The case for testing now is ironclad.

1. 铁定的:ironbound 坚硬的 | ironclad 铁定的 | ironer 烫衣工

2. ironclad的反义词

2. 铁壳的:ironclad switchgear 铁壳开关装置 | ironclad 铁壳的 | ironclad 装甲的;铁甲舰

Chou is exactly like an ironclad in this: he has the grace of iron.(不错,周先生正好就像一艘铁甲战舰,他有铁的优雅。)
What thing more graceful than an ironclad, cleaving her way through the sea?Well, Mr.(还有什么能比一艘铁甲战舰在海上乘风破浪更加优雅动人的呢?)
A series of ironclad facts put him to silence.(一系列铁的事实驳得他哑口无言。)
So early success isn't necessarily an ironclad guarantee that your baby will take the bottle when you really want her to.(因此早期的成功并不一定保证你的宝宝会在你真正需要的时候接受奶瓶。)
A web-based service called stickK, launched in 2008, makes it easy to set up an ironclad commitment contract.(一个基于网络的服务stickK(在2008年上线),让建立一个不可动摇的承诺书变得容易了。)
Enabling ESET NOD32's complete set of modules provides ironclad detection methods.(ESETNOD32有利的成套单元铁三角规定的检测方法。)
These ironclad details are irrefutable proof in black and white.(白纸黑字,铁证如山。)
“THEY never come back” may be an ironclad law of boxing(“他们不会回来了”可能是铁腕法令的重拳出击)
Commentators have said that Netanyahu and Barak declined to give Panetta an ironclad assurance that Israeli would not act alone.(评论家们说,内塔尼亚胡和巴拉克拒绝向帕内塔完全保证以色列不会单独采取行动。)
By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers.(跟做父亲那种狭窄,紧张的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的日子过得比较宽松自在。)
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