英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 18:43:47


英 [dʒæm]

美 [dʒæm]



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  • 侧柱,旁柱
  • 矿脉中的土石层,矿脉中的脉石
  • 【建】门窗边框,门窗侧壁,门方
  • 壁炉侧墙
  • 【矿】矿柱
  • 矸石
  • 柱状物
  • 壁炉撑条


1. upright consisting of a vertical side member of a door or window frame

1. 门窗边框
A jamb is a post that forms the side part or upright of a door frame or window frame.

1. 门窗侧壁:jackknifing 牵引车相对拖车成转角 | jamb 门窗侧壁 | Japan Architects' Association 日本建筑家协会

2. jamb

2. 烟囱侧墙:jacking pile 顶压桩;压入桩 | jamb 烟囱侧墙 | jetty 码头;突堤式码头

3. 边框(门窗):jacking pile 顶压桩;压入桩 | jamb 边框(门窗) | jerry building 偷工减料建成的房屋

4. 矿柱:Jamaican 牙买加人 | jamb 矿柱 | jambalaya 什锦菜肴

  • 经典引文

  • She slid a dinner knife between jamb and frame and popped the bolt of the lock.

    出自:M. Piercy
The pellets reportedly passed through a door jamb before striking the teen, likely slowing their velocity, according to the paper.(据报纸报道,铅珠很可能在袭击到小孩之前碰到门框而减慢了速度。)
However, Samuel Johnson's jamb won the day.(然而,塞缪尔·约翰逊的jamb赢得了胜利。)
If the jamb - mine isn't exploited, the economic benefit will go down rapidly.(如果不采矿柱矿山经济效益将急剧滑坡。)
The F21 mounting configuration allows for direct pancake resolver replacement featuring a jamb nut and tethered servo ring.(是的F21安装配置,可直接煎饼解析器具有一门框螺母及伺服环栓更换。)
A three-dimensional finite element model was constituted to simulate the yield process of the macro-horizontal jamb in the tectonic stress field caused by continuous mining.(通过建立三维有限元弹塑性力学模型,模拟计算了水平矿柱上各盘区的屈服破坏过程。)
Lamb and dumb, but English hates letting go of its orthographic relics. An 1819 dictionary still allowed its users to choose among jamb, jaumb, and jam.(1819年的字典还允许其用户在jamb,jaumb和jam之间选择拼写。)
Warp is any distortion in the door itself, and it does not refer to the door in relation to the frame or the jamb in which it is hung.(弯曲是指门页自身引起的变形,不牵涉由于门页悬挂在门框或边框上引起的变形。)
Concealed overhead stops, side jamb pivots, cover plates, and threshold assemblies shall be furnished by floor closer manufacturer for single source responsibility.(隐蔽的高架停止器、门侧梃枢轴、盖板和门槛总成应由楼层关门装置制造商独自负责提供。)
My back is hitting the round post jamb unceasingly.(我的背脊不断地撞击着圆柱壁。)
Many men including Jamb volunteered to help.(许多人包括杰可伯都自愿帮忙。)
jamb是什么意思 jamb在线翻译 jamb什么意思 jamb的意思 jamb的翻译 jamb的解释 jamb的发音 jamb的同义词