英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:19:19


英 [ˈdʒɒgɪŋ]

美 [ˈdʒɑ:gɪŋ]



  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. running at a jog trot as a form of cardiopulmonary exercise

1. 跑步:然而听一听人家法国人怎样说:跑步(Jogging)是一种美式的小运动,由于是卡特总统带头成风,真正爱国而反美的品味领袖是不屑跑步的,尤其是当中国男人到了中年,肥胖而跑步,固然惹笑.

2. jogging

2. 慢跑;慢而持续的跑步,也指所有速度的跑步:jockey for position:(篮下)卡位; | jogging:慢跑;慢而持续的跑步,也指所有速度的跑步. | joints:关节.

3. 健身跑:医疗性行走 therapeutic walking | 健身跑 jogging | 跳跃运动 jumping exercise

  • 临近词

Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay in shape.(汤姆总是在早上慢跑,也经常做俯卧撑来保持身材。)
He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.(他每天早晨出去跑步,风雨无阻。)
It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.(在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。)
Get up and join in the activities by pushing a jogging stroller, hitting the hiking trails, climbing the jungle gym or swimming in the lake.(起来,加入到活动中去,推着婴儿车慢跑,到健行步道,爬爬攀登架,或者到湖里游泳。)
I find jogging very addictive.(我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。)
You can go jogging every day.(你每天可以去慢跑。)
It isn't the walking and jogging that got his weight down.(不是散步和慢跑使他体重下降了。)
If you hate jogging, try a team sport or play tennis.(如果你讨厌慢跑,可以尝试团体性运动或打网球。)
The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.(被吸引到那里的老人们,或是成对欢愉地沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。)
I've started jogging.(我开始慢跑锻炼。)
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