英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:57:45



英 [ˈdʒʌmpə(r)]

美 [ˈdʒʌmpɚ]




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  • 跳跃者
  • 跳虫
  • 工作服
  • 跳跃的动物
  • 毛线衣
  • 跨接线
  • 无袖连衣裙
  • 无袖背心裙
  • 娃娃服
  • 滑橇
  • 拖橇
  • 【计】跳线
  • 【矿】钻孔机
  • 跨接器
  • 针织套衫
  • 连衫裤童装


1. (basketball) a player releases the basketball at the high point of a jump

Synonym: jump shot

2. a sleeveless dress resembling an apron
worn over other clothing

Synonym: pinaforepinny

3. a loose jacket or blouse worn by workmen

4. a small connector used to make temporary electrical connections

5. a coverall worn by children

6. a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body

Synonym: sweater

7. an athlete who competes at jumping

e.g. he is one hell of a jumper

8. a person who jumps

e.g. as the jumper neared the ground he lost control
the jumper's parachute opened

1. 针织套衫
A jumper is a warm knitted piece of clothing which covers the upper part of your body and your arms.

e.g. Isabel had on a simple jumper and skirt.

in AM, use 美国英语用 sweater

2. (穿在衬衫或毛线衫外的)无袖连衣裙
A jumper is a sleeveless dress that is worn over a blouse or sweater.

e.g. She wore a checkered jumper and had ribbons in her hair.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 pinafore

3. 善跳跃者;跳跃的人(或动物)
If you refer to a person or a horse as a particular kind of jumper, you are describing how good they are at jumping or the way that they jump.

e.g. He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper...
e.g. Horses are not natural jumpers.

4. 跳跃运动员
A particular kind of jumper is an athlete who takes part in a particular jumping event.

e.g. Packer began her career as a long jumper.

1. 心灵传输者:杰米.贝尔1986年出生于英格兰,曾经在<>(King Kong),<>(Jumper)等片中担任主要角色,也是这份名单中相对知名,年龄也相对大一点的演员.

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A high jumper, in the eyes of the experts, seems not to know what to do.(一个跳高的人,专家认为不懂得跳。)
The current Western Digital drives include a jumper you can set for Windows XP compatibility.(当前的WesternDigital驱动包括一个跳线,可用于设置WindowsXP兼容性。)
He dunked on me and he played very well, but I played good defense, and I had a good jumper already then.(他对着我灌篮,球打得非常好,但我防守很好,跳投也已经很不错。)
I don't know anyone who would like a bogey green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.(我不知道谁会喜欢一件另类的绿色开司米毛衣搭配一把水壶和一台烤土司机。)
It's as if the jumper is safely held in placeby the top of the frame.(好像跳伞者安全地抓住了安置在顶部的框架。)
I don't know anyone who would like a green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.(我不知道谁会喜欢一件绿色开司米针织套衫搭配一把水壶和一台吐司炉。)
Luxury has always been a cyclical industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged like a well-dressed bungee-jumper.(奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。)
He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.(他是一名优秀的运动员和一位杰出的跳跃者。)
Known as the hammerjawed jumper (for the shape of its fangs and mouth appendages), it's a very small species—only .16 of an inch long.(它被称为锤状颌跳蛛(因为它的有毒鳌肢和口腔的附属物),这是一种非常小的物种——只有0.16英寸那么长。)
Let me assume that it wraps around the jumper to make a cylindrical shape. Here is sketch.(让我们假设这些纸将跳楼者围起来形成一个圆柱形。)
jumper是什么意思 jumper在线翻译 jumper什么意思 jumper的意思 jumper的翻译 jumper的解释 jumper的发音 jumper的同义词