英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 18:52:46



英 [ˈlæki]

美 [ˈlæki]



名词复数: lackeys 过去式: lackeyed 过去分词: lackeyed 现在分词: lackeying 第三人称单数: lackeys

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1. a male servant (especially a footman)

Synonym: flunkyflunkey

2. a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

Synonym: sycophanttoadycrawlerass-kisser

1. 唯命是从之徒;哈巴狗;应声虫
If you describe someone as a lackey, you are critical of them because they follow someone's orders completely, without ever questioning them.


e.g. I'm not staying as a paid lackey to act as your yes-man.

1. 仆人:lacker 瓷漆 | lackey 仆人 | lacking in 缺少

2. 卑躬屈膝者,走卒:281. knave: 流氓,恶棍. | 282. lackey: 卑躬屈膝者,走卒. | 283. laity: 俗信徒,俗人阶级;外行.

3. 男仆;跟班:labyrinth#迷宫;错综复杂之事件 | lackey#男仆;跟班 | lagoon#礁湖

  • 经典引文

  • Herzen..had a lackey to carry his books.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  • 近义词

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Because the person is met, have vanity. So those lackey are worn with respect to evening this one defect comes to the person undertake flattering.(因为人都会有虚荣心的。所以那些马屁精就借着人这一缺点来进行吹捧。)
You think a guy like that would have some kind of booze lackey.(没想到这样的家伙家里也会缺酒啊;)
Lackey asks: " Gentleman, how to buy wine without money? ""(仆人问:“先生,没有钱怎么买酒?”)
Mrs. Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours after her husband's boat had been wrecked.(拉基女士床边的电话响了,把她从睡梦中惊醒,那是在她丈夫的船失事后12小时。)
Report of the 3rd lackey says: Master, you give my one ingot silver, I am wrapped all the time putting in towel, I am afraid of missing, did not take all the time.(第三个仆人报告说:“主人,你给我的一锭银子,我一直包在手巾里存着,我怕丢失,一直没有拿出来。”)
An accomplice or a lackey who AIDS in the commission of base or disreputable ACTS.(同谋,同伙共犯或帮凶,其帮助实施无耻或下流的行为。)
You just got him this afternoon. Yes, but I'm finding that having a lackey suits me.(他不是今天下午才成了你的助手。没错,不过我觉得我应该有个侍从。)
A day, the lackey of this noble is in catharsis sparrow basket when, not careful let slip a spadger.(一天,这位贵人的仆人在洗涤雀笼的时候,不小心放走了一只麻雀。)
Not be now only, any moment lackey very be very popular. One is plant very modern making a way is human relation communication capability is strong.(不单单是现在,任何时候马屁精都很吃香。有一种很时髦的叫法是人际关系沟通能力强。)
At that moment, I do not think the boss of a squat to help people lose face is shining, but he does not think a lackey phase, on the contrary I think he was great.(那一刻,我不觉得一个老板要蹲着帮人擦鞋很丢脸,更不觉得他一副奴才相,相反我觉得他很伟大。)
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