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更新时间:2024-06-17 18:56:49


英 ['lævɪʃlɪ]

美 [ˈlævɪʃlɪ]


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1. in a rich and lavish manner

e.g. lavishly decorated

Synonym: richlyextravagantly

2. in a wasteful manner

e.g. the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap

Synonym: extravagantly

1. lavishly的意思

1. 大方的:laudable 可赞誉的 | lavishly 大方的 | legitimate 合法的

2. 浪费地, 丰富地:Tarsus 塔尔苏斯(土耳其南部城市, 圣保罗的出生地) | lavishly 浪费地, 丰富地 | tigella 胚茎


3. 浪费地:lavish 非常大方的 | lavishly 浪费地 | lavishment 浪费

4. 过度地:lavish 浪费的 | lavishly 过度地 | law 法律

Entertaining in style needn't mean spending lavishly.(时尚娱乐并不意味着要无度地花钱。)
This was a disappointment, but the lavishly illustrated Corbie Psalter is the curator's favourite book.(这确实令人失望,不过插图华丽丰富的科尔比诗篇是这位管理员的最爱。)
Spend lavishly on precut vegetables at the supermarket.(在超市把钱浪费在包装好的蔬菜上。)
Control of the firm, including the ability to set salaries, will stay with its lavishly paid executives.(黑石要控制这家公司,其中包括设置员工薪水的权利,包括支付给主管人员的高额薪金。)
Mr. Hart spent money lavishly.(哈特先生花钱很大方。)
created in art nouveau style in 1913, is a much-cherished historic monument, lavishly decorated with Jugendstil ceramics and frescos.(它在1913年又以一种全新的艺术形式装修一新。其室内的弗里德里希大帝温泉浴场是一座倍受推崇的有历史意义的建筑,奢华地装饰着Jugendstil风格的(特征是微笑妇女雕像在门上方等)陶瓷和壁画。)
She was a devout Buddhist, and spent money lavishly on the construction of temples.(同时她也是一位虔诚的佛教徒,耗费巨资修建寺院。)
Law students are struggling to find the lavishly paid work they expected after graduation.(法律专业的学生正苦苦寻找他们曾经希冀毕业后能享有的高薪工作。)
The famous fashion show, with legendary supermodels strutting in lavishly jeweled bras and feathered wings, became a cultural moment.(著名的维秘时装展,经典的维密超模晃着镶满珠宝的文胸和羽毛翅膀妖娆地走T台,都已成为一种文化符号。)
Journalist: Do you think you live lavishly?(记者:你是否认为你生活得很奢侈?)
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