英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 19:46:27



英 [ˈlɪvɪd]

美 [ˈlɪvɪd]


副词: lividly 名词: lividity

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. 盛怒的;暴怒的
Someone who is livid is extremely angry.


e.g. I am absolutely livid about it...
e.g. She is livid that I have invited Dick.

2. 青紫色的;黑红色的
Something that is livid is an unpleasant dark purple or red colour.

e.g. The scarred side of his face was a livid red.


1. 铅色的,青灰色的:live time 使用期限 | livid 铅色的,青灰色的 | living clock 生物钟

2. livid

2. 铅色的:liveware 活件 | livid 铅色的 | lividity 铁青

3. livid是什么意思

3. 惨白的:? cross 生气 | ? livid 惨白的 | ? thriller 使人毛骨悚然的小说

4. 青灰色的(撞伤),(脸色)苍白的:liverish 患病的(尤指暴食所至),易怒的 | livid 青灰色的(撞伤),(脸色)苍白的 | loaf 一条面包,一个面包

  • 经典引文

  • Her left leg showed a livid ripple of varicose vein.

    出自:J. Updike
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I'm not grieving. I'm livid.(我不是在伤心,我愤怒。)
I am absolutely livid about it.(我对此恼怒至极。)
I am livid about it, he said in a telephone interview.(我对此非常生气他在电话采访中说。)
She stared back at him with livid disbelief.(她铁青着脸,用难以置信的神情看着他。)
British taxpayers would be livid if they had to save the British bit of Barclays' investment bank.(如果英国纳税人不得不解救巴克莱投行的英国部分,他们定会怒气冲冲。)
Cosette's thin and sickly face was vaguely outlined by the livid light in the sky.(来自天空的一点暗淡的微光隐隐照出了珂赛特的瘦削的面貌。)
Five little livid spots the marks of four fingers and a thumb were printed upon the white wrist.(五个青紫色的点——包括拇指的五个手指指印留了在她的雪白的手腕上。)
Livid lightning streaked the sky.(乌青色的闪电划破了天空。)
The scarred side of his face was a livid red.(他结了伤疤的那侧脸青紫发红。)
Put it on the bed. "Suchultz's expression snakelike and livid did not change."(放在床上。”舒尔茨那蛇一样阴险的青灰色的脸上毫无表情。)
livid是什么意思 livid在线翻译 livid什么意思 livid的意思 livid的翻译 livid的解释 livid的发音 livid的同义词