英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 19:14:27



英 [ˈlʌləbaɪ]

美 [ˈlʌləˌbaɪ]



名词复数: lullabies 过去式: lullabied 过去分词: lullabied 现在分词: lullabying 第三人称单数: lullabies

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1. the act of singing a quiet song to lull a child to sleep

Synonym: cradlesong

2. a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep

Synonym: cradlesongberceuse

1. 摇篮曲;催眠曲
A lullaby is a quiet song which is intended to be sung to babies and young children to help them go to sleep.


1. 摇篮曲:[code] Andrew York<>(Lullaby)简析与视奏<>(Lullaby)是美国著名吉他作曲家、演奏家Andrew York的一首非常精致优美的小品.

2. lullaby的近义词

2. 曲:比如,已经宣布进入拍摄的<>(InvisibleMonsters)和<>(survivor),还有刚刚筹资完毕进入选角阶段的<>(lullaby)等. 显然,好莱坞从<>的成功上似乎预见了又一个史蒂文.金德诞生.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I would sing them a lullaby when the sun goes down.(我将唱摇篮曲,在太阳下山的时候。)
She sang a soldiers' marching chant, and then a dirty tavern song, and then a lullaby.(起初是一首战士行军的歌,后来是一首小客栈的风尘小调,再后来是一首摇篮曲。)
I sang her a lullaby.(我为她唱了一首催眠曲。)
To quiet with or as if with a lullaby.(使安静用…使安静,或类似在催眠曲中安静下来。)
She gently crooned a lullaby.(她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。)
She was singing the saddest lullaby he had ever heard.(她唱着他曾听到的最悲哀的催眠曲。)
It was singing some kind of a lullaby... a lullaby that a mother would sing to her newborn child.(它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。)
For example, when I was younger, she would sing this beautiful lullaby to my Cousins and me.(比如,我小的时候,我和表弟总是在祖母天籁般的摇篮曲中入睡。)
Through his tears and grief, the song came, a deep and throaty lullaby.(透过祖父的眼泪和悲伤,是一首低沉嘶哑的摇篮曲。)
Maybe I remember the lullaby.(也许我记得催眠曲。)
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