英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:38:31


英 [mænd]

美 [mænd]



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1. having a crew

e.g. a manned earth satellite was considered a necessary research step

1. 载人的;由人操纵的
A manned vehicle such as a spacecraft has people in it who are operating its controls.


e.g. In thirty years from now the United States should have a manned spacecraft on Mars.
e.g. ...the history of manned flight.

1. 载人的:manned work enclosure 载人密闭工作舱 | manned 载人的 | manner 方式

2. 有人驾驶的:manna 吗哪 | manned 有人驾驶的 | mannequin 人体模型

3. 人工操纵的:manmonth 一人在一个月内完成的工作量 | manned 人工操纵的 | mannedmachineryspace 有人机舱

4. 人工操纵;有人当值:man-machine communication system 人-机通信系统 | manned 人工操纵;有人当值 | manning of lifecraft 救生艇筏人员配额

But UAVs' growing complexity could make them as expensive as manned planes.(但是无人机不断出现的复杂性让它的建造成本与人工飞机一样昂贵。)
Otto Lilienthal soars above a crowd in one of his manned gliders in an 1893 photograph.(这是1893年的一张照片,奥特·李林塔尔乘着他的载人飞行器翱翔在人群上空。)
That is why I'm in favour of manned, or should I say 'personed', space flight.(这就是为什么我对载人,或个人的太空飞行感兴趣“。)
The last manned mission to the moon was Apollo 17, in 1972.(1972年,阿波罗17号执行的最后一次载人登月任务成为绝响。)
That was why he is favour of manned space flight, he said.(他说这也就是他赞成进行载人航天飞行的原因。)
China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft.(中国首次载人航天飞行取得圆满成功。)
I think that would have to be a manned mission to Mars.(我觉得肯定是载人火星任务。)
Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost.(从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。)
The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon.(阿波罗11的任务是第一次载人飞行登月任务。)
Cyrano was dead and buried for a good three centuries before the first manned rockets started to fly.(在第一批载人火箭开始飞行之前,西拉诺已经死了,且已被掩埋了整整三个世纪。)
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