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更新时间:2024-06-17 19:26:41



英 [məˈtɜ:nəti]

美 [məˈtɜ:rnəti]



名词复数: maternities

  • 详情解释

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  • 母性
  • 怀孕
  • 母道
  • 母亲身分
  • 为母之道
  • 妇产科医院
  • 产科病房
  • 妇产科病房
  • 产妇的
  • 适用于孕妇的
  • 产妇用的
  • 孕妇的
  • 产科的
  • 产期的
  • 母性的


1. the quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother

e.g. the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children

Synonym: motherlinessmaternalismmaternal quality

2. the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother

Synonym: motherhood

3. the state of being pregnant
the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus

Synonym: pregnancygestation

1. 产妇的;孕妇的
Maternity is used to describe things relating to the help and medical care given to a woman when she is pregnant and when she gives birth.

e.g. Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave...
e.g. The boy was born at the city's maternity hospital.

2. 母亲身份
Maternity is the state of being a mother.

e.g. Morisot had experienced maternity herself.


1. 母性:怀特之乱於1554 年2 月底敉平,女王与丽的母性 (maternity) 和母爱 (motherly love),使她爱民如子,更甚於自己的生命. 出於这份无私的爱,塞尔 (Basel)等地,与欧陆的路德派教徒、喀尔文派教徒有广泛交流,也仍能保持言论自出版,

2. 产科病房:教学医院teaching ho ital | 产科病房maternity | 棉花棒cotton swa

3. maternity

3. 产科:妇科和男科 Gynecological and male | 儿科 pediatric | 产科 maternity

  • 经典引文

  • She feels tied down by maternity and domesticity.

    出自:S. Kitzinger
It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been filling in during maternity leave.(给替代歇产假的人降职是很难的。)
She makes maternity clothes.(她生产孕妇服装。)
My wife's maternity leave is close to an end.(我妻子的产假快结束了。)
What will you cut back on in your spending while you’re on maternity leave?(当你在休产假期间,我们会如何削减开支呢?)
The hospital maternity ward was full of the tortured cries of women giving birth.(医院的产房里充满了妇女生产的痛苦叫声。)
Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave.(你的工作会一直保留到你休完产假回来。)
Finland provides three years of maternity leave and subsidized day care to parents, and preschool for all five-year-olds.(芬兰为父母提供3年的产假和日托补贴,并为所有5岁儿童提供学前教育。)
This is one of the dirty secrets of the maternity industry.(这是孕妇产业的一个肮脏的小秘密。)
The planned closure of a local maternity ward is a hot topic.(计划关闭当地一个妇产科是热门话题。)
The scientists recruit parents and children for their work from maternity wards.(科学家从产科病房选取几对父母和孩子来进行研究。)
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