英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:49:52



英 [ˌmetəˈmɔ:fəʊz]

美 [ˌmetəˈmɔ:rfoʊz]


过去式: metamorphosed 过去分词: metamorphosed 现在分词: metamorphosing 第三人称单数: metamorphoses

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1. change in outward structure or looks

e.g. He transformed into a monster
The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle

Synonym: transformtransmute

2. change completely the nature or appearance of

e.g. In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug
The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman
Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection

Synonym: transfiguretransmogrify

1. (使)完全变形;(使)彻底改变
To metamorphose or be metamorphosed means to develop and change into something completely different.

e.g. ...hysterical laughter which gradually metamorphoses into convulsive sobs...
e.g. The group is having to metamorphose from a loose collection of businesses into a fully integrated multinational...

1. metamorphose的反义词

1. 变形:他认为,诉权并不是和亲权、所有权等并列存在的权利,而是依据私法上的个别权利产生的权利, 即属于这种个别权利的发展过程 (entwicklungsprozess )或变形(metamorphose).

2. metamorphose在线翻译

2. 变质:metamorphogenic 变质成因的 | metamorphose 变质 | metamorphosed basement 变质基底

3. 使变态:metamorphose 使变成 | metamorphose 使变态 | metamorphosisabnormalanomalousmetamorphism 变态

4. 使变成:metamorphopsia 视物变形症 | metamorphose 使变成 | metamorphose 使变态

  • 经典引文

  • Perhaps they metamorphose themselves into a tawny squirrel.

    出自:George Eliot
However, Process Z might immediately choose to metamorphose to another application.(而进程Z则可能立即发生变化,转到另一个应用程序。)
Group notes began to metamorphose into many other "notes type" software products.(Groupnotes开始变成很多“notes类型”的其他软件产品。)
After the sealing water is dried, the air enters the jar to make the food in the jar metamorphose and decay, and harmful materials such as nitrite is generated.(密封水干涸后,空气进入罐内,使罐内食物变质、腐烂,产生亚硝酸盐有害物质。)
Like most amphibians these begin life in a juvenile "tadpole" state, then metamorphose into the adult form — except for one species, the axolotl, which famously lives its entire life as a juvenile.(像大多数的两栖动物一样,它们从幼年的“蝌蚪”状态蜕变成成年的形式——蝾螈这个物种除外,众所周知,它一生都处于幼年状态。)
It is thought that the original crust, especially the metamorphose basement of Precambrian is the base of gold-ore formation.(初始地壳,尤其是前寒武纪的变质基底是金矿密集区形成的物质基础。)
If all goes well, the larvae will begin to metamorphose from those little aliens into more shrimp - like creatures.(如果你养的很好,很快幼虾就开始变态为更像虾的状态了。)
The shape of MnS inclusions are mainly spherical and spindle, and this is attributed to metamorphose and spheroidization of rare earth.(稀土具有明显的变质作用,易切削奥氏体不锈钢中的夹杂物大部分呈球状或纺锤状。)
The caterpillar will eventually metamorphose into a butterfly .(毛毛虫最终将蜕变成一只蝴蝶。)
Metamorphose is originated in the life consciousness in primitive society, which have gotten approve generally in academic circle.(变形起源于人类原始思维中的生命意识,这在学术界已得到普遍认可。)
A larva metamorphose into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.(幼虫变为蛹,然后再变成蝴蝶。)
metamorphose是什么意思 metamorphose在线翻译 metamorphose什么意思 metamorphose的意思 metamorphose的翻译 metamorphose的解释 metamorphose的发音 metamorphose的同义词