英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:21:51


英 [ˌmɪs'ri:d]

美 [ˌmɪs'ri:d]


过去式: misread 过去分词: misread 现在分词: misreading 第三人称单数: misreads

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  • 读错
  • 错误地解释
  • 误读
  • 念错
  • 对…判断错误
  • 看错
  • 理解错
  • 误解
  • misread的过去式与过去分词



1. interpret wrongly

e.g. I misread Hamlet all my life!

Synonym: misinterpret

2. read or interpret wrongly

e.g. He misread the data

The form misread is used in the present tense, and is the past tense and past participle, when it is pronounced /ˌmɪs'red/. misread 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同,但读作 /ˌmɪs'red/。

1. 误解;误会
If you misread a situation or someone's behaviour, you do not understand it properly.


e.g. The government largely misread the mood of the electorate...
e.g. Mothers may also misread signals and think the baby is crying because he is hungry.

...a misreading of opinion in France.

2. 看错;读错
If you misread something that has been written or printed, you look at it and think that it says something that it does not say.

e.g. His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning.

1. 错读:mishandle 胡乱操作、误操纵 | misread 错读 | misreading 误读、错读

2. misread

2. 读错:misquote 错误地引用 | misread 读错 | misremember 记错

3. 读错;误解:Δfrown 皱眉;蹙额vi. | Δmisread 读错;误解vi. | facial 面部的adj.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But Ma said she was misread and there is no need to be serious in an entertainment program.(但是马诺自己说她被误解了,人们没有必要对一个娱乐节目那么认真。)
Sony totally misread the way the market was going.(索尼完全误读了市场的走向。)
In our hours together, he didn't attempt a joke, and he misread several of our attempts at playfulness.(在我们相处的时候,他没有说过一个笑话,而且在我们说笑话的时候还对我们有所误解。)
Don't give people an excuse to misread you.(不要给人误读你的理由。)
This wasn't what I'd intended at all - I had grossly misread the situation.(然而这并不是我的初衷——我完全误读了当时的情况。)
I'm afraid I completely misread the situation.(恐怕我完全看错了形势。)
We misread a situation because we are skimming it, when what we should be doing is perusing it.(在应该仔细观察之刻,浮光掠影而过就会导致我们误判形势。)
The administration largely misread the mood of the electorate.(该政府大大地误解了选民的情绪。)
The reader who do not detect the seriousness under the lightness often misread him.(没有意识到轻松掩盖下的严肃性的读者常常会误解他。)
The general misread the enemy 's intentions.(将军对敌军的意图判断失误。)
misread是什么意思 misread在线翻译 misread什么意思 misread的意思 misread的翻译 misread的解释 misread的发音 misread的同义词