英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 20:04:02


英 ['məʊtɪveɪtɪd]

美 [ˈmotɪvetɪd]



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  • 有积极性的
  • 有动机的
  • 有目的的
  • 有根据的
  • 由…推动的


1. provided with a motive or given incentive for action

e.g. a highly motivated child can learn almost anything
a group of politically motivated men

1. 有理据的:象似性是指语言的能指和所指之间,也即语言的形式和内容之间有一种必然联系,即两者之间的关系是可以论证的,是有理据的(motivated)(赵艳芳2004). 而根据索绪尔的观点,语言的形式和内容之间是任意的(除了个别拟声词外),

2. 目的明确的:modest 谦虚的 | motivated 目的明确的 | objective 客观的

3. 有根据的, 有动机的, 由...推动的:reading machine 读出装置 | motivated 有根据的, 有动机的, 由...推动的 | homoeopathic 顺势疗法的


4. 有根据:Motif 情节素 | Motivated 有根据 | Motivation 根据性 (Saussure)

I largely work with people who already are motivated.(我总是与积极性高的人一起工作。)
So, we are not mainly motivated by money?(那么,我们的动机主要不是金钱?)
I am working with mostly highly motivated people.(我正与大多都积极性很高的人们共事。)
I know it sounds corny, but I'm really not motivated by money.(我知道这听起来有点俗,但是我真的不是为了钱。)
His actions were motivated by greed.(他的作为是贪婪之心所驱使的。)
They are often not motivated to learn through this method.(他们往往没有动力通过这种方法来学习。)
He is motivated entirely by self-interest.(他做事完全出于私利。)
For those with high achievement needs, typically a minority in any organisation, the existence of external goals is less important because high achievers are already internally motivated.(对于那些有高成就需求的,通常是任何组织中的少数人,外部目标的存在就不那么重要了,因为高成就者已经在内部受到了激励。)
I don't know if they're that much more motivated to help people.(我不知道他们是否更有动力去帮助别人。)
While some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.(虽然有些人做事情的动机是为了成功,但有些人做事是出害怕。)
motivated是什么意思 motivated在线翻译 motivated什么意思 motivated的意思 motivated的翻译 motivated的解释 motivated的发音 motivated的同义词