英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:32:25


英 [ˈmʌfld]

美 [ˈmʌfl:d]



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  • 被隔的
  • 听不太清的
  • 隐约的
  • 裹严的
  • 蒙住的
  • 动词muffle的过去式和过去分词形式



1. being or made softer or less loud or clear

e.g. the dull boom of distant breaking waves
muffled drums
the muffled noises of the street
muted trumpets

Synonym: dullmutedsoftened

2. wrapped up especially for protection or secrecy

e.g. children muffled almost to the eyebrows

1. 压抑(声音):16 Shuffle:混乱,拖着脚走. | 17 Muffled:压抑(声音). | 18 Primly:呆滞地,拘谨地.

2. 捂住的,低沉的:varied 各种各样的;杂色的,斑斓的 | muffled 捂住的,低沉的 | detailed 详细的


3. 被矇住不清的:muffin 鬆餅 blueberry muffin | muffled 被矇住不清的 | mutter 喃喃低語 he mutters something under his breath

4. (声音)听不清:located 位于 (S3) | muffled (声音)听不清 (S9) | organized 有组织的 (J2)

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Sounds were both muffled and magnified, echoing off buildings, softened by the smoke.(灰色的粉尘积了厚厚几英尺,在落地前就像纽约的雪,低沉又空旷的声音在建筑里回响,在烟雾中消散。)
I heard the sounded of a muffled kick and then a cry of pain from Keith.(我听到一声沉闷的用脚猛踢的声音,接着传来基斯痛苦的叫声。)
His voice was pitched high, the words muffled by his crying.(他的嗓门提得很高,说的话都被他的叫喊声压得听不清了。)
She heard a muffled cough behind her.(她听到身后一声低沉的咳嗽。)
Their footsteps were muffled in the carpeted corridors.(走廊里铺着地毯,把他们的脚步声淹没了。)
A measured, muffled snore issued from Aunt Polly's chamber.(波莉姨妈卧室里传出一阵匀称的、沉闷的鼾声。)
The church clocks strike with a muffled sound.(教堂的钟敲出低沉的响声。)
He strides down the hall and halts when he hears the muffled sounds of screaming.(他大步沿着过道巡逻,突然听到一阵微弱的尖叫声。)
They waited a time that seemed an age, and then the same muffled boom troubled the solemn hush.(他们等了一段时间,仿佛等了一个世纪,然后,同样低沉的轰隆声打破了肃穆的寂静。)
A string of banking scandals has muffled this message: seven mutual savings Banks had their operations suspended in September.(一系列金融丑闻盖过了这个消息:7家互助储蓄银行在九月被勒令中断营业。)
muffled是什么意思 muffled在线翻译 muffled什么意思 muffled的意思 muffled的翻译 muffled的解释 muffled的发音 muffled的同义词