英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 20:07:03


英 [mʌlkt]

美 [mʌlkt]



过去式: mulcted 过去分词: mulcted 现在分词: mulcting 第三人称单数: mulcts

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. money extracted as a penalty

Synonym: fineamercement


1. impose a fine on

e.g. he was fined for littering

2. deprive of by deceit

e.g. He swindled me out of my inheritance
She defrauded the customers who trusted her
the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

Synonym: victimizeswindlerookgoldbricknobblediddlebuncodefraudscamgypgiphornswoggleshort-changecon

1. 罚金:mulch 护盖物 | mulct 罚金 | mule deer 长耳鹿

2. 科以罚金:mulch 护根 | mulct 科以罚金 | mule 骡

3. mulct在线翻译

3. 罚金,处以罚金:mulch 覆盖料,护根;覆盖 | mulct 罚金,处以罚金 | nibble 一点点地咬,慢慢啃

4. 罚金;诈骗:覆盖 Mulch | 罚金;诈骗 Mulct | 微粒 Mote

  • 经典引文

  • Imposed a heavy mulct on every one of his servants.

    出自:T. L. Peacock
  • Nor was this the only mulct which Providence exacted.

    出自:I. Zangwill
  • No government dared to propose to mulct the taxpayer for such a purpose.

    出自:G. M. Trevelyan
  • The Revenue might mulct him with largish fines.

    出自:C. P. Snow
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In the latter the public departments execute the law by investigating and prosecuting illegal behaviors, and apply punishments directly, fines and mulct owe to the country not to the victim.(公法责任则通常主要依赖公共执法机制,即由国家执法机关对于违法行为调查起诉或直接施加惩罚,罚款或罚金归于国家而不是归于受害人。)
mulct是什么意思 mulct在线翻译 mulct什么意思 mulct的意思 mulct的翻译 mulct的解释 mulct的发音 mulct的同义词