英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 19:57:41


英 [ˈneɪbərɪŋ]

美 [ ˈnebərɪŋ]



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in AM, use 美国英语用 neighboring

1. 邻近的;附近的;接壤的
Neighbouring places or things are near other things of the same kind.

e.g. Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week.
e.g. ...the hotel's boutique and neighboring shops.

1. 附近的:neighborship 结邻 | neighbouring 附近的 | neighbourly 像邻居的

2. neighbouring

2. 邻:neighbourhood unit 邻里单位 | neighbouring 邻 | neiliaosu 内疗素


3. 邻近的,接壤的:negotiate 谈判,交涉,议定 | neighbouring 邻近的,接壤的 | nest 巢,窝

4. 附近的/邻近的:neighbourhood /邻近/接近/邻居情/ | neighbouring /附近的/邻近的/ | neighbourship /结邻/邻居关系/

They concluded an agreement with their neighbouring country.(他们与邻邦缔结了一项协定。)
Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.(嗣后,你可以逛一下附近的动物园。)
Known for her piety, she would walk miles to attend communion services in the neighbouring villages.(她的虔诚是出了名的,她会步行几英里去参加邻村的圣餐仪式。)
The earth shook and swayed and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them.(地面晃动起来,附近房子的墙壁在他们周围坍塌了。)
There is substantial collaboration with neighbouring departments.(相邻的几个院系进行了通力合作。)
Evidence may be in our neighbouring galaxy.(证据可能在于我们邻近的星系。)
This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.(这个部落被邻近部落举行的炫财冬宴所压倒。)
A special worry is neighbouring Ukraine.(邻国乌克兰尤为让人担心。)
Millions fled across to neighbouring Thailand.(上百万人逃亡邻国泰国。)
Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.(难民不断涌入邻国。)
neighbouring是什么意思 neighbouring在线翻译 neighbouring什么意思 neighbouring的意思 neighbouring的翻译 neighbouring的解释 neighbouring的发音 neighbouring的同义词