英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:54:16


英 [ˈɒdli]

美 [ˈɑ:dli]


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  • 古怪地
  • 奇特地
  • 奇怪地
  • 怪异地
  • 反常地
  • 零碎地
  • 成奇数地
  • 额外地
  • 附加地


1. in a manner differing from the usual or expected

e.g. had a curiously husky voice
he's behaving rather peculiarly

Synonym: curiouslypeculiarly

2. in a strange manner

e.g. a queerly inscribed sheet of paper

Synonym: queerlystrangelyfunnily

1. 奇怪的是;说来也怪
You use oddly to indicate that what you are saying is true, but that it is not what you expected.

e.g. He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it...
e.g. Oddly, Emma says she never considered her face was attractive...

1. 奇怪地:oddity 奇异 | oddly 奇怪地 | oddment 零头

2. oddly是什么意思

2. 古怪地:odd 奇数;零头 | oddly 古怪地 | odds 可能性

3. 古怪的:14.mistaken 错误的 | 15.oddly 古怪的 | 16.on and off 断断续续地,有时


4. 奇怪 古怪:kingdom 英国 王国 领域 | oddly 奇怪 古怪 | inevitable 不可避免 必然

His Indian robes contrasted oddly with his fluent English.(他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成了奇特的对照。)
But oddly enough, its leaders are getting younger.(但奇怪的是,其领导人却在变得年轻。)
The novel itself remains oddly inert.(那小说本身异常乏味。)
Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.(然而奇怪的是,人们对出生在这个月的13号一点也不担心,这恰恰表明我们的迷信是多么不理性。)
Oddly, Mr Biver is also a talented salesman.(奇怪的是,比弗同时也是一名天才销售。)
You looked at me so oddly.(你这么奇怪地看着我。)
Oddly, though, there is no explanatory labelling.(但奇怪的是,展品上并没有注解标签。)
Oddly enough, that is precisely what I intend.(说也奇怪,那正是我的打算。)
He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.(他异样地望着她,令她局促不安。)
In terms of both structure and theme, the Odyssey and Liked were also oddly formulaic, to the point of predictability.(无论在结构还是主题上看,《奥德赛》和《宠儿》都是非常公式化的,甚至到了可以预见的程度。)
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