英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:04:57


英 [ˈɒsɪfaɪ]

美 [ˈɑ:sɪfaɪ]


形容词: ossific 过去式: ossified 过去分词: ossified 现在分词: ossifying 第三人称单数: ossifies

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1. become bony

e.g. The tissue ossified

2. cause to become hard and bony

e.g. The disease ossified the tissue

3. make rigid and set into a conventional pattern

e.g. rigidify the training schedule
ossified teaching methods
slogans petrify our thinking

Synonym: rigidifypetrify

1. (使)僵化;(使)一成不变;(使)墨守成规
If an idea, system, or organization ossifies or if something ossifies it, it becomes fixed and difficult to change.

e.g. It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry...
e.g. British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close.

1. 骨化:发育期间,这层软骨中的细胞(Chondrocyte)不断增生,令生长板慢慢向外移动,同时,骨里面的造骨细胞(Osteoblast)将生长板下面的软骨细胞骨化(Ossify这样一来,腿骨便增长了.

2. 脑子早已:肚子早已hungry, | 脑子早已ossify, | 我想早早freely,

3. 硬化,骨化:osseous 骨的,多骨的 | ossify 硬化,骨化 | ostensible 表面上的,伪装的

4. 成骨:ossiform 骨样的 | ossify 成骨 | ossifying 骨化的

  • 经典引文

  • Doubt..must in the end ossify the higher parts of the mind.

    出自:R. H. Hutton
  • The omnipotent but ossified Soviet Academy of Sciences.

But change most early is every (long bone) interosseous membrane ossify and bony trabecula, bone density and pathological changes degree serious.(各骨(长骨)骨间膜骨化及骨小梁、骨密度改变发生早、且病变程度重。)
But the risk that the recent homeward flow of bank assets will ossify into a less efficient, less flexible cross-border banking system is real and growing.(然而,最近银行资产向母国回流的趋势正在朝低效、僵化的跨国银行系统越滑越深,这一风险是实实在在的,而且在不断加大。)
Raymond: that it is possible for open source cultures in some respects to ossify enough that good work is locked out.(Raymond:就是开放源码文化在某些方面可能会非常保守,会把好的作品关在门外。)
All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify.(一切固定的僵化的关系以及与之相适应的素被尊崇的观念和见解都被消除了,一切新形成的关系等不到固定下来就陈旧了。)
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