英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 20:25:54



英 [peɪs]

美 [peɪs]




过去式: paced 过去分词: paced 现在分词: pacing 第三人称单数: paces

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  • (一)步,步子
  • (生长、进展等的)进度,速率,节奏
  • 步态,步法,侧对步
  • 流畅
  • 一步跨出去的长度
  • 常规,惯例
  • 赶超的榜样
  • 【建】梯台,楼梯转弯处的宽台
  • 用步子测
  • 为…定步速,调整...的速度或步调
  • 踱步于,踱方步,神经质地走来走去,行进
  • (马)走侧对步,(马)以侧对步跑过(一段路程)
  • 领先于,为...树立榜样
  • 与...同速前进
  • 训练(马)的步法
  • 走过(一段距离)
  • (表示不同意见时的客气话)蒙...的恩准,怀着对...的敬意,请...原谅不同的看法
  • vt. 用步子测量 measure by taking paces
  • vt. & vi. 缓慢而行 walk with slow or regular steps
  • [S]步速; 计划进度 rate or speed in walking, running, advance of a plan
  • [C]一步,步子 a single step in running or walking
  • [S]溜蹄,步法 a way that a horse walks or runs



1. a step in walking or running

Synonym: stridetread

2. the relative speed of progress or change

e.g. he lived at a fast pace
he works at a great rate
the pace of events accelerated

Synonym: rate

3. a unit of length equal to 3 feet
defined as 91.44 centimeters
originally taken to be the average length of a stride

Synonym: yard

4. the distance covered by a step

e.g. he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig

Synonym: footstepstepstride

5. the rate of moving (especially walking or running)

Synonym: gait

6. the rate of some repeating event

Synonym: tempo



1. measure (distances) by pacing

e.g. step off ten yards

Synonym: step

2. regulate or set the pace of

e.g. Pace your efforts

3. walk with slow or fast paces

e.g. He paced up and down the hall

4. go at a pace

e.g. The horse paced

1. 速度;节奏
The pace of something is the speed at which it happens or is done.


e.g. Many people were not satisfied with the pace of change.
e.g. ...people who prefer to live at a slower pace...

2. 步速
Your pace is the speed at which you walk.

e.g. He moved at a brisk pace down the rue St Antoine...
e.g. Their pace quickened as they approached their cars.

3. 步幅
A pace is the distance that you move when you take one step.

e.g. He'd only gone a few paces before he stopped again...
e.g. I took a pace backwards.

4. (由于焦虑或不耐烦而)在…踱步
If you pace a small area, you keep walking up and down it, because you are anxious or impatient.

e.g. As they waited, Kravis paced the room nervously...
e.g. He found John pacing around the flat, unable to sleep...

5. 放稳步调
If you pace yourself when doing something, you do it at a steady rate.

e.g. It was a tough race and I had to pace myself.

6. 与…步调一致
If something keeps pace with something else that is changing, it changes quickly in response to it.

e.g. Farmers are angry because the rise fails to keep pace with inflation.
e.g. ...a world changing far too fast for her to keep pace.

7. 与…齐头并进(或并驾齐驱)
If you keep pace with someone who is walking or running, you succeed in going as fast as them, so that you remain close to them.

e.g. With four laps to go, he kept pace with the leaders...
e.g. Daisy strode alongside her, breathing heavily but keeping pace.

8. 以适合自己的节奏
If you do something at your own pace , you do it at a speed that is comfortable for you.

e.g. The computer will give students the opportunity to learn at their own pace...
e.g. She was going too fast so I decided to keep riding at my own pace.

9. 考查…的能力/ 展现…的才能
If you put someone through their paces or make them go through their paces, you get them to show you how well they can do something.

e.g. The British coach is putting the boxers through their paces...
e.g. A group of the world's best waterskiers will be going through their paces.

10. at a snail's pace -> see snail

相关词组:pace out

1. 步伐:悔呀. 米用. 用了皮肤非常不舒服!以前看杂志中页肯定是泽平的广告!那个涂了厚厚粉底的眼镜大妈!我还是买了,还是邮购的!!!!!用上黏黏的!不爽!!!!可能(May)初中偶太青春了,它消痘的作用远远赶不上俺冒痘的步伐(Pace)~~

2. 吴佩慈:」[on.cc专讯] 吴佩慈(Pace)接受访问时大谈感情事,自愧不是合格女友,因从无给充足时间给男友Peter,更笑言好处是无时间吵架,她说:「我从来唔会同男友吵架,佢都好钟意我呢点,佢好忙时我唔想畀麻烦佢,唔会令佢担心,妈咪好传统,

3. pace:programmed automatic communication equipment; 程控自动通信设备

4. pace的近义词

4. pace:precision analog computing equipment; 精密模拟计算设备

5. pace的解释

5. pace:program for arrangement of cables and equipment; 电缆及设备安装程序

6. pace:priority access control enable; 优先访问控制器打开

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  • 经典引文

    踱来踱去 move restlessly about (a place)
    沿…踱步 walk along (a path) or beside (a wall), restlessly or thoughtfully
    pace along sth

    He paced along the shore, deep in thought.


1. go the pace : 飞快地走, 挥霍;

2. at a good pace : 相当快地;

  • The old man was pacing leisurely.
  • The lion paced the floor of its cage.
  • She knew how fast she was running, because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle.
  • The speed of the machine may be regulated to pace the packing operation.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • She took a couple of paces backwards.

    出自:R. Dahl
  • Sentinels paced the rounds day and night.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • The camel paced briskly after the jeep.

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • He..was pacing up and down his minute room.

    出自:J. I. M. Stewart
  • Illustrations will be confined to..British poets, pace an immigrant..like Yeats.

    出自:D. Piper
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • pace用作名词的基本意思是“步子”,转化为动词意思是“用步子测量”“为…定步速”“缓慢而行”。引申可作“跑在…前面; 为…的标兵”解。
  • pace可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。
  • pace后接副词off表示“用脚步量出一段距离”; 后接副词out表示“用脚步量出全部长度”。
pace, step
  • 这两个名词均可表示“步”。其区别是:
  • step指脚步提起来放下去,强调动作,有轻重、长短和优美与否之分; 而pace指身体向前移动强调距离,有快慢和从容与否之分。例如:
  • He was so tired that he was unable to take another step.他累得一步也走不动了。
  • A little boy's pace is smaller than a man's pace.小孩的一步比大人的一步小。
    • ☆ 直接源自古法语的pas;最初源自古典拉丁语的passus,意为一步。
    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.pace

    At the beginning, when friends offered to take her through her paces, I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal with.

    一开始, 当朋友们提出要带她去体验一下她的步伐时, 我拒绝了, 因为我知道他们有自己的家事要处理。


    考研真题例句 OG 1.pace

    Simply slowing the pace and talking in an even tone helps the other person cool down and does the same for you.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.pace

    For one thing, it is very slow compared to the pace of change within the digital economy.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.pace

    For now it appears the economy is creating jobs at a decent pace.



    Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.(莎伦·王尔德以风驰电掣般的速度居于领先位置。)
    The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.(政府必须加快改革的步伐以避免更多的流血事件。)
    Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.(学生们为个人导师完成课题研究,在家里按自己的速度工作。)
    He scares teams to death with his pace and power.(他的速度和力量把其他队吓破了胆。)
    We set off at a smart pace.(我们快步出发了。)
    They set off at a leisurely pace.(他们步态悠闲地出发了。)
    The population has already begun to show its displeasure at the slow pace of change.(人民已经开始对变化的缓慢速度表示不悦。)
    The horse set off at a spanking pace.(那匹马一溜烟飞奔而去。)
    They could not stand the pace or the workload.(他们受不了工作的节奏和负荷。)
    We set off again at a more sedate pace.(我们又一次出发了,步调更加缓慢。)
    pace是什么意思 pace在线翻译 pace什么意思 pace的意思 pace的翻译 pace的解释 pace的发音 pace的同义词