英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:13:20



英 [ˈpɔ:lzi]

美 [ˈpɔlzi]



名词复数: palsies 过去式: palsied 过去分词: palsied 现在分词: palsying 第三人称单数: palsies

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  • 瘫痪
  • 麻痹
  • 中风
  • 颤抖
  • 痉挛
  • 无能
  • 无力
  • 轻瘫麻痹
  • 麻痹状态
  • 使瘫痪
  • 使陷入无能境地
  • 使麻痺
  • 使无能
  • 麻痹


1. a condition marked by uncontrollable tremor

2. loss of the ability to move a body part

Synonym: paralysis


1. affect with palsy

1. 瘫痪;麻痹
Palsy is a loss of feeling in part of your body.

1. 麻痹:palpitation 心悸 | palsy 麻痹 | paludism 疟


2. 瘫痪:palsy 麻痹 | palsy 瘫痪 | pamplegia 全麻痹

3. 麻痹状态:palstance 角速度 | palsy 麻痹状态 | palsy-walsy 装得亲密的

4. 麻痹,瘫痪:painful pathologic gaits 痛性病理性步态 | palsy 麻痹,瘫 痪 | panalarm 报警系统

She explained that she had a twin sister, Alba, who also had cerebral palsy but who, unlike her, couldn't speak.(她向我说明,她有一个双胞胎姐姐,叫奥尔巴,也患脑瘫,但和她不同的是,她姐姐不能说话。)
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs(这里中风把最后几根愁闷的灰发摇晃)
Objective:To study the effect of family physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy .(目的:探讨家庭物理治疗对脑瘫儿童运动功能的影响。)
They were being born with hydrocephaly, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and other complications.(他们出生患有脑积水,小头畸形,脑瘫,唐氏综合症以及其他并发症。)
She told me that her cerebral palsy, the only evidence of which was her limp, had repelled many people.(她告诉我她的大脑麻痹已经赶跑了许多人——唯一的迹象就是她的跛足。)
When he was little, a fever gave him cerebral palsy.(当他还小的时候,一场发烧让他患上了脑瘫。)
He has cerebral palsy and has already had seven operations to unbend his arms and legs.(他得了脑瘫,并接受了7次手术以矫正四肢。)
Take, for example, Thalidomide babies, Parkinson's sufferers, autism or people who have cerebral palsy.(以反应停畸形儿、帕金森病患者、自闭症或患大脑性麻痹的人为例。)
I have cerebral palsy.(我患有脑瘫。)
Leg palsy, aphemia or disturbance of consciousness were observed in 2 cases of anterior choroid artery injury.(2例前脉络膜动脉损伤患者出现下肢瘫痪、失语或意识障碍。)
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