英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:14:10



英 [ˈpænθiən]

美 [ˈpænθiɑ:n]



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  • 众神
  • 伟人祠
  • 【史】万神殿
  • 众神庙
  • 名流群
  • 一国的众神
  • 先贤祠
  • 名流
  • 名人
  • 英雄人物



1. (antiquity) a temple to all the gods

2. a monument commemorating a nation's dead heroes

3. all the gods of a religion

1. 众神;诸神;要人;名流
You can refer to a group of gods or a group of important people as a pantheon .


e.g. ...the birthplace of Krishna, another god of the Hindu pantheon.
e.g. ...the Communist Party's pantheon of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.


1. 众神庙:提多随即组织委员会,尽力抢救遇难者,数月后,罗马城又有严重的火灾,焚灭了新建的众神庙(Pantheon)及亚基帕(浴宫」(Agrippa s Baths). 提多甚至卖掉了自己私人家具好捐献给大众之需. 他建造了不少新的建筑,包括一座宏伟的圆剧场.

2. 神系:(玄音注:在多神系统中,神系(Pantheon)分为有秩神系(Tight Pantheon)和松散神系(Loose Pantheon)两种;大多数D&D世界里的神系,比如PHB里出现的GH神系(也称D&D神系或奥斯神系)和拖瑞尔世界里出现的FR神系,都是属于松散神系,

  • 经典引文

  • Highest in the Celtic Pantheon was the golden-handed sun.sssss Y. Menuhin

    出自:G. F. Maclear
The huge 30ft hole built into the dome of Rome’s Pantheon has mystified minds for centuries.(据英国《每日邮报》1日报道,罗马万神庙顶部有一个直径30英尺的大洞,数个世纪以来,这个洞的用途一直让人甚为困扰。不过。)
What's different about having one God, from having a pantheon of gods headed by a superior god?(拥有一个神,和拥有一个由更卓越的神领导的万神殿有什么不同?)
Well, we'll just add those into our pantheon of gods too.(也加到我们的众神里去吧。)
It turns out that protection of worker choice no longer ranks very high in the NLRB's pantheon of values.(实践证明,对工人选择权的保护在NLRB的价值体系中已不再占据崇高的地位。)
The Pantheon is the greatest and the best-preserved Roman temple, which was built in 27 B. c.(建立于公元前27年并于公元2世纪重建的罗马万神殿是最伟大、保存最好的罗马神殿。)
Among the celebrated pantheon of Hollywood royalty, few are as well-respected and universally adored as Gregory Peck.(在好莱坞名人中,很少有人像格利高里·派克这样广受崇敬。)
In the pantheon of great writers of the last century, Joyce looms large.(詹姆斯.乔伊斯(JamesJoyce):在上个世纪的作家神殿中,乔伊斯显得非常突出。)
It explains its rise to power and Marduk's rise from being a city god to being at the head of the pantheon of a large empire.(它解释了权力的崛起和Marduk作为城市守护神的兴起,他成了万神庙或者说是庞大王国的首领。)
It is an inspiring pantheon sparking with a pool of global wisdom and international perspectives.(这是闪耀全球智慧、聚焦国际视野、启迪人们心灵的神圣殿堂。)
Once a couple of celebrities die, there is great pressure to elevate another dearly departed to the pantheon.(一旦有两位名人死去,就会有很大的压力看该轮到哪个人去万神殿了。)
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