英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:16:14



英 [ˈpɑ:li]

美 [ˈpɑ:rli]



名词复数: parleys 过去式: parleyed 过去分词: parleyed 现在分词: parleying 第三人称单数: parleys

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  • 谈判
  • 会谈
  • 讨论
  • 和谈
  • 商谈
  • 对话
  • 非正式谈判
  • 帕利(音译名)
  • 会谈,谈判
  • 讨价还价
  • 和谈


1. a negotiation between enemies


1. discuss, as between enemies

1. (对立双方的)和谈,会谈,谈判
A parley is a discussion between two opposing people or groups in which both sides try to come to an agreement.

2. (对立双方)和谈,会谈,谈判
When two opposing people or groups parley, they meet to discuss something in order to come to an agreement.

e.g. ...a place where we meet and parley...
e.g. I don't think you've ever tried parleying with Gleed, have you?

1. parley是什么意思

1. 怕厉(怕的厉害,不打了)....谈 判:ore.............挖 呕 .................矿 石 | parley..........怕厉(怕的厉害,不打了)....谈 判 | partial.........爬 下呕(身体部分着地).....部分的;局部的

2. 帕雷:Hello, poppet.|你好,乖孩子 | Parley.|帕雷 | What?|啊?

3. parley的解释

3. (单词练习):││KWordQuiz (卡片式训练程序) | ││Parley (单词练习) | │Blinken (记忆强化游戏)

  • 经典引文

  • The schoolmaster without further parley..administered a sound thrashing.

    出自:H. G. Wells
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Mrs Parley was busy with her housework. Suddenly an earthquake rocked the city.(帕利太太在忙着她的家务。突然,一场地震使整个城市都动摇了。)
Then he began to parley with me, said he would make me any reasonable satisfaction.(然后他开始跟我谈判,说他很愿意答应我在合理范围之内的任何要求。)
Then he began to parley with me.(然后他开始跟我谈判。)
Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, good timing, lad. I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader. They should be returning shortly.(乌瑟尔。光明使者:哈,来的正好,伙计。我派了我手下最好的两个骑士去和兽族的首领和谈。他们很快就会回来。)
He extended an invitation to parley with the Jedi Council, and Mace Windu, Bulq's old sparring-partner, soon arrived on Ruul.(他向绝地委员会发出谈判邀请。巴尔克的老陪练梅斯·温杜很快抵达鲁尔。)
We must send our most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.(为了交换俘虏我们必须派一名可靠的军官去与他们的领导人谈判。)
Not much longer now, my friend. Come, let us parley first, and then see if we must come to blows.(不会更久了,我的朋友。来吧,我们先和他们谈谈,然后再决定是不是要用武力解决问题。)
Mrs Parley said she felt as if they were in a storm at sea.(帕利太太说她觉得好象是在海上乘船遇到了风暴似的。)
Talk about the weather is an opening parley, an invitation to a deeper involvement.(谈论天气是一种开放式的谈话,它邀请双方进行更深层次的接触。)
Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later.(帕利太太用手机打电话给警察,半小时之后。)
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