英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 20:32:07



英 [pæˈsti:ʃ]

美 [pæˈstiʃ, pɑ-]



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  • 模仿的(文艺)作品
  • 混成曲,混成作品
  • 集锦,杂集
  • 模仿艺术
  • 拼凑的艺术作品
  • 混杂品,东拼西凑的杂烩
  • 把…混杂在一起


1. a work of art that imitates the style of some previous work

2. a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources

Synonym: medleypotpourri

1. (文学作品、音乐等的)模仿作品;(融合各种风格的)集成之作
A pastiche is something such as a piece of writing or music in which the style is copied from somewhere else, or which contains a mixture of different styles.

e.g. Peter Baker's bathroom is a brilliant pastiche of expensive interior design.


1. 混成曲:揭示了后现代的基本特征:延伸在当代理论和全新幻影文化中的深层模式的丢失;伴随着情感和风格必然衰退结局的个人主体的消失;随意拆用过去文化的配件,变成绝对的仿制品的混成曲(Pastiche)在体裁上的胜利;把过去和未来合并成现在的精神分裂感的出现和时空倒错;

2. 模仿作品:因此,借鉴 (sampling) 不仅是一种传统,更正儿八经地变成了一种风格,以模仿作品 (pastiche) 为主要特征. 百加得朗姆酒 (Bacardi) 最近的广告中就笨手笨脚地参照了20世纪70年代利用黑人兴趣的电影(blacksploitation) 的海报艺术,

3. pastiche的意思

3. 音乐混合作品:Part 声部; | Pastiche 音乐混合作品; | Percussion Instrument 打击乐器;

  • 经典引文

  • Nearly every poem..was a pastiche of a different poet.

    出自:R. Gittings
  • A 17th century pastiche made up from..two different Roman statues.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There is of course, a big difference between Mr Ali's strategy-he called it "rope-a-dope" -and Mr Brown's pastiche.(阿里的策略(他称为“缠斗”)和布朗的效法之举必然有巨大差别。)
Meanwhile, the dispute of discourse, the rhetoric of pastiche and the artistic skill of tragedy or comedy both reveal the novelists' sense and law of value.(叙事文本中的话语之争,文本间的仿拟等修辞策略和悲喜剧艺术手法,都提示了言说主体的心理意识和价值准则。)
Collage and pastiche are two important parody techniques employed in Ulysses.(拼贴与仿作是《尤利西斯》中两种重要的戏拟技法。)
The computer game, "Angry Anna," is a straightforward pastiche of "Angry Birds," a simple yet addictive game that has become one of the most downloaded apps of all time.(电脑游戏“愤怒的安纳”简直就是“愤怒的小鸟”的翻版,这个让人上瘾的简单小游戏已经悄然成为最受用户欢迎的应用。)
His bathroom is a brilliant pastiche of expensive interior design.(他的浴室是高档室内设计的集大成之作。)
In the fourth chapter, the pastiche of several classic Victorian texts and the parody of the literary convention, especially the omniscient narrator, is studied.(第四章则利用表示派生关系的互文手法—仿作和戏拟展示《法》与几个十九世纪经典文本及十九世纪常用文体和叙述手法的互文关系。)
The author thinks that pastiche leads to the birth of anti-hero.(论文作者认为,戏仿导致反英雄的诞生。)
In terms of program patterns, they can be divided into single and pastiche. Therefore, the production of the program also follows certain patterns.(节目形态方面,大致可以划分为精致单品型和拼盘杂烩型,节目的制作也走上了模式化道路。)
This is a pastiche.(这是一张模仿画。)
A talent for literary pastiche is the real strength.(具有文学模仿才能是一种真正的优势。)
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