英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 20:34:45


英 [ˈpi:ski:pɪŋ]

美 [ˈpisˌkipɪŋ]



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1. the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations)

Synonym: peacekeeping missionpeacekeeping operation



1. of or relating to the preservation of peace between hostile groups by international military forces

e.g. a peacekeeping force

1. 维持和平
A peacekeeping force is a group of soldiers that is sent to a country where there is war or fighting, in order to try to prevent more violence. Peacekeeping forces are usually made up of troops from several different countries.


e.g. ...the possibilities of a UN peace-keeping force monitoring the ceasefire in the country.
e.g. ...Nigerian warplanes involved in peace-keeping operations in Liberia.

1. peacekeeping在线翻译

1. 维护和平的:erupt 爆发 | peacekeeping 维护和平的 | mercenary 雇佣兵

2. 维护和平(行动):payload 载重量;战斗部;有效负载 | peacekeeping 维护和平(行动) | peacemaking 调解,调停

Mr Ban's efforts to improve farming are laudable and ambitious. So were Mr Annan's efforts to boost peacekeeping.(但潘基文在改善农业上的努力就正如安南推动和平进程的努力一样,都是野心勃勃与值得赞美的。)
The African Union (AU) agreed this week to strengthen its peacekeeping mission in Somalia.(本周,非盟(AU)同意在索马里加强其维和行动。)
The road is nominally under the control of UN peacekeeping troops.(那条路名义上是在联合国维和部队的控制之下。)
But what this means is that, although the public now accepts the need for intervention and peacekeeping, the support is not all that solid.(而这意味着,虽然公众现在接受干涉与维和的需求,但其支持不会一直那么稳固。)
In peacekeeping as in other matters, Brazil's global ambitions tend to move two steps forward and one back.(在维和行动和其他问题上,巴西的全球野心应该会“前进两步,后退一步”。)
Peacekeeping pundits agree that more must be done to pre-empt and counter the effects of “hate radio”.(维和专家们一致认为,应该花更多努力去抢占广播阵地,消除“仇恨电台”的影响。)
Both sides have conducted effective cooperation in international and regional affairs including counter-terrorism and peacekeeping.(两国在反恐、维和等国际和地区事务中也进行了富有成效的合作。)
Peacekeeping mandates from the Security Council tended to be far too restrictive both in scope and Numbers.(安理会授权的维和行动在规模与数量上都远更倾向于有所限定。)
The AU is trying to improve its peacekeeping capacity, but is desperately short of resources.(非盟正努力增强其维和行动能力,但是资源极为短缺。)
But peacekeeping is dangerous work.(维和工作的危险性非常大。)
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