英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 20:41:12


英 [pə'spɪkjʊəs]

美 [pə'spɪkjʊrs]


副词: perspicuously 名词: perspicuousness

  • 网络解释

1. perspicuous什么意思

1. 明白,明显的:perspicacious 明察,颖悟的 | perspicuous 明白,明显的 | perspire 流汗

2. 明白的, 明了的:alarm handsetting wheel seating 闹拨针轮垫 | perspicuous 明白的, 明了的 | stereo isomerism 立体异构(现象)

3. 明白的:perspicuity 明晰 | perspicuous 明白的 | perspicuously 显明地

4. 明了的:Underdog:牺牲者,受害者 | Perspicuous:明了的 | Perspicacious:敏锐的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

How to create the cost control system with perspicuous responsibility for management?(n如何建立明晰责任的成本调控机制?)
The New Documentary Film, known for its perspicuous feature of "allegory", has created a unique cultural phenomenon during the 1990s.(带有显著“寓言”特征的新纪录片创造了一个九十年代独特的文化景观。)
This program has perspicuous interface and extensive application.(该程序界面明了,适用范围广。)
Do they not reflect? Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner.(难道他们没有思维吗?他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。)
Their companion is not seized with madness: he is but a perspicuous warner.(他们的同伴绝没有疯病,他只是一个坦率的警告者。)
This leads us to remark that the question of what would occur under circumstances which do not actually arise is not a question of fact, but only of the most perspicuous arrangement of them.(这就使我们注意到,在实际上并没有出现的情况下问会有什么会出现这个问题不是一个事实问题,而只是对这些事实作最明显的排列的问题。)
We have evolved as perspicuous of animals.(我们已经进化成为通达的动物了。)
The way we behave is often best explained in terms of both perspicuous not directly in physical terms.(我们的行为往往最好地解释了,物理术语既通达又隐晦的表达方式。)
perspicuous是什么意思 perspicuous在线翻译 perspicuous什么意思 perspicuous的意思 perspicuous的翻译 perspicuous的解释 perspicuous的发音 perspicuous的同义词