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更新时间:2024-06-17 20:41:57



英 [ˈpestɪləns]

美 [ˈpɛstələns]



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  • 瘟疫
  • 恶性流行病
  • 鼠疫
  • 时疫
  • 流行病
  • 祸害
  • 洪水猛兽
  • 伤风败德之事
  • 致死性流行病瘟疫
  • 腺鼠疫
  • 有毒害的事物
  • 传布疫病之物


1. a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of

e.g. racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation
according to him, I was the canker in their midst

Synonym: canker

2. any epidemic disease with a high death rate

Synonym: plaguepest

3. a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal

Synonym: plaguepestpestis

1. 瘟疫
Pestilence is any disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people.

1. 瘴:perfectly fused 圆融 * | pestilence 瘴 * | Phabonkha 帕绷喀


2. 时疫:皮萨希风 peshash | 时疫 pestilence | 小旋塞;减压开关;排泄开关 pet cock

The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him.(在田野的,必遭刀剑而死。在城中的,必有饥荒,瘟疫吞灭他。)
When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence.(他们禁食的时候,我不听他们的呼求。他们献燔祭和素祭,我也不悦纳。)
Although ancient people held sacrificial ceremony and beat drums to drive out pestilence on Laba it is Buddhism that really takes it as a festival.(尽管古人在腊八当天举行祭祀活动,敲锣打鼓以驱邪消灾,然而,是佛教把腊八变成了真正的节日。)
Fire is the root cause of pestilence.(“火”是疫病的根本动因。)
As early as Neijing, the occurrence, the acupuncture and the preventive thought of pestilence was detailed discussed.(早在二千多年前的《内经》就对疫病的发病机制、针刺治疗、预防措施等有详细论述。)
The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence.(从古以来,在你我以前的先知,向多国和大邦说预言,论到争战,灾祸,瘟疫的事。)
She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence - the scarlet fever, or some such half - fledged angel of judgment - whose mission was to punish the SINS of the rising generation.(她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直象个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。)
That forest-dell, where Lowood lay, was the cradle of fog and fog-bred pestilence;(罗沃德所在的林间山谷,是大雾的摇篮,是雾气诱发的病疫的滋生地。)
In the ancient time, people viewed La day as the time for sacrifice and exorcism of disaster and pestilence to ensure peace and safety in the coming year.(在古代,人们把“腊日”视为祭祀之日,驱邪免灾之日,以求来年安宁。)
In recent months the city has revived its efforts to curb honking, smoking and the pestilence of plastic bags.(最近几个月来,这个城市重振旗鼓,再次禁止鸣笛,禁烟,以及禁止到处都是的塑料袋。)
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