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更新时间:2024-06-03 21:17:27


英 [plu:ˈtɒkrəsi]

美 [plu:ˈtɑ:krəsi]


形容词: plutocratic 副词: plutocratically 名词: plutocrat 名词复数: plutocracies

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1. a political system governed by the wealthy people

1. 富豪(或财阀)统治的国家;富豪(或财阀)统治阶级
A plutocracy is a country which is ruled by its wealthiest people, or a class of wealthy people who rule a country.

e.g. Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.

1. plutocracy在线翻译

1. 缓劳持:pledge誓约n,v | plutocracy 缓劳持? | geroncracy老人统治

2. 财阀统治 PLUTUS财神:philistine市侩 腓力斯人 | plutocracy财阀统治 PLUTUS财神 | quisling内奸 挪威政客


3. 金権政治:plebiscite-国民投票 | plutocracy-金権政治 | police state-警察国家

Only this year tells a different story: a scarcity of new wealth, and a hardening of the plutocracy.(只是今年的故事有些不同寻常:缺乏新的财富。财富分配统治过于僵化。)
Nevertheless, a proud plantation-based plutocracy soon arose along the rivers from which they shipped their tobacco to England.(很快地,一个因烟草业致富的骄傲族群,沿着运烟草往英国的河畔建立了起来。)
The maker of incredibly expensive carriages of the plutocracy fared far better than BMW and Aston Martin, which produce cars for the wealthy.(这个给超级富豪造车的汽车制造商比给一般富人造车的宝马和阿斯顿马丁的境况要好的多。)
The most prolific writer of the debunkers of the plutocracy was Gustavus Myers.(揭发富豪统治集团的作家中,最多产的是古斯塔夫斯·迈尔斯。)
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