英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:43:36



英 [ˈpɔ:kjupaɪn]

美 [ˈpɔ:rkjupaɪn]



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  • 【动】箭猪
  • 【动】豪猪
  • 【纺】梳麻机
  • 波库派恩 (音译名)



1. relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur

Synonym: hedgehog

1. 豪猪;箭猪
A porcupine is an animal with many long, thin, sharp spikes on its back that stick out as protection when it is attacked.

1. 豪猪:这期我们学会了野马(mustang),骡子(mule),骆驼(camel),大猩猩(gorilla),蟒蛇(boa),野猪(boar),豪猪(porcupine),懒猴(sloth)等哺乳动物还有小河(rill) 木板(board)等名词和十大方法之对称法,下期我们继续学习豆豆在野生动物园和十大方法之添加法

2. 箭猪, 豪猪:hedgehog 刺猬 | porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪 | bat 蝙蝠

3. porcupine的意思

3. 刮管器:porch 边缘 | porcupine 刮管器 | pore abundance 孔隙发育程度

4. 松散的钢索头:porch 边缘边缘 | porcupine 松散的钢索头 | pore 细孔

Not like porcupine needles or anything, but small pointy projections on the surface that basically make the organ bumpy.(它不像豪猪的刺或其它什么的,而是在表面上有尖状的突起,使这个器官起伏不平。)
There is a philosophy parable, call philosophy of porcupine.(有一个哲学寓言,叫豪猪的哲学。)
A couple hours later, I almost hit a big porcupine in the road.(几个小时后,我几乎触及大豪猪的道路。)
First, we see is the porcupine and wolves.(首先,我们看到的是豪猪和狼。)
My best friends are the woodchuck, the porcupine and the raccoon.(我最好的朋友是土拨鼠、豪猪还有浣熊。)
The park is also the domain of the Porcupine caribou herd and half a million migratory birds.(公园也是豪猪、驯鹿群和50万候鸟所占有的地方。)
A porcupine is covered with prickles.(箭猪身上长满了刺。)
The porcupine is larger than a pig.(豪猪比家猪要大。)
Sometimes a porcupine scuttled across the road.(有时会有一只豪猪惊慌地穿过马路。)
Mama loves you, Porcupine!(小豪猪,妈妈爱你!)
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