英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:51:03


英 [prɪˈpɒndərənt]

美 [prɪˈpɑ:ndərənt]


副词: preponderantly

  • 详情解释

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  • 优势的
  • 压倒性的
  • 占优势的
  • 突出的
  • 主要的
  • 占多数的
  • 主导的
  • 压倒的
  • 超过的
  • 以重胜的
  • 更有影响的


1. having superior power and influence

e.g. the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

Synonym: overridingparamountpredominantpredominatepreponderating

1. preponderant什么意思

1. 占优势的:prepense 预谋的 | preponderant 占优势的 | preponderate 占优势

2. 占优势:preponderance 优势 | preponderant 占优势 | prepossession 偏爱

3. 占优势的,主要的:perpendicular,垂直的,直立的,陡峭的 | preponderant,占优势的,主要的 | preponderance,n,优势,多数

4. preponderant

4. 优势的:preponderance 优势 | preponderant 优势的 | preponderate over 超过

  • 经典引文

  • The dominion which Great Britain exercised..and the preponderant influence..were not felt to be intolerable.

    出自:W. Lippmann
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

"Treat before getting illness" is one of the preponderant thinking of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in dealing with problems of disease and health.(前言:“上医治未病”是中医对待疾病和健康问题的一个突出的思维优势。)
The tea industry in Yunnan province is not only a traditional and preponderant industry but also an important industry for rural economics.(茶叶是云南的传统优势产业,是云南农村经济中的重要支柱产业。)
Wavelet analysis is very preponderant in acoustic emission detection of discharge in high voltage equipment. In its application, selection of best basis is important.(小波分析在高压电器放电检测中有很大的优越性,最优小波基的选择是小波分析的应用中的重要问题。)
The Chinese folk custom series has had certain competitiveness in the world, and other fashion series are preponderant in the domestic market.(中国民俗系列在国际上已有了一定的竞争力,其它时尚系列在国内市场占有绝对优势。)
Ulva pertusa, a kind of marine macroalgae, is a preponderant algae in Chinese sea area.(孔石莼是一种资源量较大的大型绿藻,在我国主要海区均是优势物种。)
Before QT treatment, grain size distributions in weldment and matrix are relatively homogenous, while after QT treatment the small grains are preponderant.(调质处理前焊缝和热影响区中晶粒尺寸分布较为均匀,而调质处理后主要以小尺寸晶粒为主。)
A number of preponderant enterprises with famous brands, core intellectual property and rich experience in utilizing the intellectual property system will emerge.(形成一批拥有知名品牌和核心知识产权,熟练运用知识产权制度的优势企业。)
Further, we seek to limit the corrosive and coercive efforts that preponderant military capabilities would have in the hands of an implacable adversary.(另外,我们还力图限制一个死敌一旦掌握了优势军事能力之后所施加的侵蚀性的和胁迫性的影响。)
Fujian has the preponderant natural condition that be very fit for various subtropics economic plant growth.(福建具有非常适宜各种亚热带经济植物生长的优越自然条件。)
Livestock husbandry in grassland is the preponderant industry in Inner Mongolia.(草原畜牧业是内蒙古的优势产业和基础产业。)
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