英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 21:33:30


英 ['praɪvətlɪ]

美 [ˈpraɪvɪtlɪ]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. kept private or confined to those intimately concerned

e.g. it was discussed privately between the two men
privately, she thought differently
some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat
he was questioned in private

Synonym: in privatein camera

2. by a private person or interest

e.g. a privately financed campaign

1. 私下地:privateersman 船长 | privately 私下地 | privation 缺乏

2. 私人地:private 私人的 | privately 私人地 | privilege 特权

3. 私下地,秘密地:privately 私下地,秘密地 | primarily 主要地 | cautious 谨慎,小心

4. 哦! David 我可以跟你说几句吗 单独的 就一会儿:I'm touched. Safe trip, now.|我都... | Oh! Say, David, you think I could speak to you, privately, just for a minute?|哦! David 我可以跟你说几句吗 单独的 就一会儿? | Do you know those parties of yours?|你...

Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company.(他们一起环游世界,为那家小私营公司寻找服装货源。)
According to Alan Stern, planetary scientist, the biggest public relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry.(行星科学家艾伦·斯特恩认为,国际空间站最大的公关推动力可能来自私人资助的太空飞行业。)
We've always been privately owned.(我们一直是私人控股的。)
The airport is being privately funded by a construction group.(该机场正由一建筑集团私家资助。)
Privately, after a while, Tom organised a royal court!(过了不久,汤姆私下里组织了一个小朝廷!)
Often the latifundia are surrounded by privately-owned small plots or minifundia.(大庄园经常被私人所有的小地块或称小庄园所包围。)
No other European country had so much state ownership and so few privately owned businesses.(没有任何别的欧洲国家有这么多的国有企业和这么少的私有企业。)
Mail service is also provided privately.(邮政服务也由私人提供。)
Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art.(袋熊溪酒庄是一家独立的私营公司,以生产优质葡萄酒为艺术。)
Their children were educated privately.(他们的子女都是上私立学校的。)
privately是什么意思 privately在线翻译 privately什么意思 privately的意思 privately的翻译 privately的解释 privately的发音 privately的同义词