英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:00:08


英 [prəˈpɔ:ʃənət]

美 [prəˈpɔ:rʃənət]



副词: proportionately 名词: proportionateness 过去式: proportionated 过去分词: proportionated 现在分词: proportionating 第三人称单数: proportionates

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  • 成比例的
  • 相称的
  • 均衡的
  • 适当的
  • 相应的
  • 相当的
  • 按比例的
  • 使相称
  • 使成比例
  • 使均衡
  • 使相当
  • 使适应


1. agreeing in amount, magnitude, or degree

2. being in due proportion

e.g. proportionate representation of a minority group

3. exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities

Synonym: harmonioussymmetrical

1. 同 proportional
Proportionate means the same as proportional .

e.g. Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies...
e.g. The extra field cultivated meant a proportionate increase in work.

We have significantly increased the number of people in education but the size of the classes hasn't changed proportionately...
Proportionately more Americans get married nowadays than ever before.

1. proportionate什么意思

1. 成比例:Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling,按比例分层随机抽样 | Proportionate,成比例 | Proportionate sub-class numbers,成比例次级组含量

2. 相称的:proportional 比例的 | proportionate 相称的 | proportionately 相称地

3. proportionate在线翻译

3. 使成比例:使成斑驳variegate | 使成比例proportionate | 使成玻璃状vitrify

4. 相称的, 适当的, 成比例的 (形):proportionally 成比例地, 相称地 (副) | proportionate 相称的, 适当的, 成比例的 (形) | proportionately 相称地; 成比例地 (副)

  • 经典引文

  • The toll..on the canal is proportionate to weight.

    出自:F. Lieber
The court said action taken by member states must be "effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and must not create barriers to legitimate trade".(法院表示,成员国对此采取的行动必须“有效,均衡并以劝止为主,不能形成贸易壁垒,妨碍合法的商业活动”。)
FOREQUARTERS: As a whole, they form a sturdy and solid structure of bones and muscles, proportionate to the size of the animal.(前躯:作为一个整体,它们形成一个坚固的骨骼和肌肉和固体结构,适度的动物的大小。)
Therefore a gradually decreasing infant mortality rate has led to a proportionate decrease in the size of our brains.(因此,婴儿死亡率的逐渐降低导致大脑容量成比例的减少。)
The time you invest in writing rollback scripts should be proportionate to the cost of the deployment failure.(用于编写回滚脚本的时间应该与部署失败付出的代价成比例。)
There are also other clergy who believe that remaining obedient to Rome is unwarranted if one has “proportionate reasons” to do otherwise.(这一类型中还存在着另一些神职人员,他们认为保持服从罗马并不意谓在有「相称理由」时不可去做另类的事。)
Mandelson said that the strategy was a "proportionate measure that will give people ample awareness and opportunity to stop breaking the rules".(曼德尔森说,该策略是“会给人充分的警告、提供足够停止犯错的机会的合适手段”。)
The number of accidents is proportionate to the increased volume of traffic.(交通事故的数字与交通量的增长成正比。)
Upper thigh: Length proportionate to the whole.(大腿:长相称的整体。)
Stockholders then have a preemptive right to purchase enough newly issued shares to maintain their proportionate ownership in the corporation.(股东则有优先购买权,以购买足够的新发行的股票,以维持其在该公司的所有权的比例。)
With regard to the indemnity obligations herein, in no event shall Seller be liable for more than its proportionate share of fault.(此处涉及的所有赔偿责任,卖方都必须承担多于共同承担过失的比例。)
proportionate是什么意思 proportionate在线翻译 proportionate什么意思 proportionate的意思 proportionate的翻译 proportionate的解释 proportionate的发音 proportionate的同义词