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更新时间:2024-06-03 21:41:25



英 [ˈpru:dɪʃ]

美 ['pru:dɪʃ]


副词: prudishly 名词: prudishness

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  • 过分拘谨的
  • 装规矩的
  • 伪善的
  • 大惊小怪的
  • 迂腐守旧的
  • 一本正经的
  • 假正经的
  • 不通人情的
  • 装淑女样子的
  • 过分规矩的
  • 过分拘谨地


1. exaggeratedly proper

e.g. my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts

Synonym: priggishprimprissypuritanicalsquare-toedstraitlacedstrait-lacedstraightlacedstraight-lacedtight-lacedvictorian

1. (在性问题上)大惊小怪的,过分正经的;谈性色变的
If you describe someone as prudish, you mean that they are too easily shocked by things relating to sex.


e.g. I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene.

Older people will have grown up in a time of greater sexual prudishness.


1. 装正经的:prudery 装规矩 | prudish 装正经的 | prune away 修剪掉

2. 装淑女的:prudery过分拘谨的,假道学 | prudish 装淑女的 | prune梅干,plum梅子

3. 装淑女样子的:prudish 装规矩的 | prudish 装淑女样子的 | prudish 过分规矩的

4. prudish

4. 过分规矩的:prudish 装淑女样子的 | prudish 过分规矩的 | prunetrimdisbranchscissoring 修剪

  • 经典引文

  • Her prudish bashfulness.

    出自:M. M. R. Khan
  • Pornographic by prudish Soviet standards.

    出自:R. Owen
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

No prudish worries inhibited the fathers of the French nation.(法国的开国之父们没有过分正经的烦恼。)
Silence Dogood was a slightly prudish widow from a rural area, created by a spunky unmarried Boston 16-year-old who had never spent a night outside of the city.(“寂寞的行善者”(SilenceDogood)这个笔名被解读为居住于农村的某位寡妇,而实际上呢?是这个才16岁,尚未结婚,并从没有踏出波士顿一步的年轻人。)
You were not too fat, too talkative, or too prudish.(你不是太胖,太健谈,或过于拘谨。)
Perhaps it was too prudish.(我这也许太拘谨了。)
Less prudish, it appears, are some of India's neighbours.(印度的一些邻国们似乎并不那么假正经。)
Toward the end, she suddenly comes on to Wilson, whereupon he recoils and backs away, exposed, for all his obscene chatter, as the prudish kid that he is.(到后来,她突然间靠向威尔逊,然后,威尔逊退缩,转向离开,然后他暴露出他可憎的喋喋不休,假装规矩。)
Prudish by nature, and coy by nurture, thou a man of polished gentleness had not been seen of the mildest punctuating. (UTOYXC)(天生拘谨,加后天养成的保守,汝乃优雅高贵的体现,从来没有一个人看到过你打断别人说话。)
I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene.(我不是假正经,不过我认为这些照片淫秽下流。)
She gave a prudish refusal to enjoy rude jokes.(她拘谨得听不得粗俗得笑话。)
Another crew member says Kate 'seemed rather prudish' compared to the other girls, and because of it they played a joke on her.(另一个船员形容凯特相对于其他姑娘来说,”有点儿过于拘谨了“,因为他们老开她的玩笑。)
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