英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:19:08


英 [ˌri:əˈlaɪn]

美 [ˌriəˈlaɪn]


名词: realignment 过去式: realigned 过去分词: realigned 现在分词: realigning 第三人称单数: realigns

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  • 重新排列
  • 重新组合
  • 重新编制
  • 重新对准
  • 调整位置
  • 对…进行调整
  • 使适应新形势
  • 改变观点
  • 改变策略
  • 再结盟
  • 再编制
  • 重新结盟
  • 重新排列
  • 改组
  • 重新定线
  • 整治


1. align anew or better

e.g. The surgeon realigned my jaw after the accident

Synonym: realine

1. 重整;重组;重塑;重新制定
If you realign your ideas, policies, or plans, you organize them in a different way in order to take account of new circumstances.

e.g. She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics.

2. 重新调整;重新排列
If you realign objects, you move some or all of them in order to make them into a particular pattern.

e.g. I turned aside to realign the photographs of my children on the shelf.

1. 重新对齐:real proxy 真实代理 | realign 重新对齐 | rebar band rebar 带区

2. realign在线翻译

2. 重组,改组:5. ,say, 假定,比如说 | 6. realign 重组,改组 | 7. back-to-back 连续的

3. 重新排列:realia 教具 | realign 重新排列 | realignment 重新排列

4. realign在线翻译

4. 再编制,再结盟:funereal,悲哀,送葬,适合葬礼 | realign,再编制,再结盟 | realise,兑现,觉悟,明白,实现

The company has been forced to realign its operations in the area.(公司被迫对这一领域的经营进行了调整。)
Remove the bolts and cover, realign the diaphragm assembly, and place the cover back on the relief valve body.(拆卸螺栓和阀盖,重新校准隔膜总成,并将阀盖放回到安全阀阀体上。)
I turned aside to realign the photographs of my children on the shelf.(我转过身去把架子上孩子们的照片重新摆了摆。)
You are trying to realign the integrity of the way money is used, printed, and loaned.(你正试图重新调整资金完整性,在其使用、打印和借贷上。)
Cameron Moll encourages web designers to realign their website rather than redesign.(卡梅伦·莫尔鼓励网站设计重新调整他们的网站,而不是重新设计。)
Regularly taking stock of how you're spending your time helps you realign your course back to a balanced approach.(定期审视时间的运用方式可以使各个行为重新调整到平衡的状态。)
Realign, revitalize and regenerate all aspects of the physical and Subtle-Energy Body Systems.(重新排列身体和微能量体系统,使其各个方面恢复新的活力。)
These various pieces realign notions of beauty and maturity by putting them into dialogue with memory and emotion.(在回忆和情感的语境中,这些各式各样的作品重新阐释了美丽与成熟的概念。)
New realign point established!(建立新的集结点!)
You'll have to realign your text columns.(你要调整你文章分栏的位置。)
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