英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 21:58:57



英 [ˈri:əlti]

美 [ˈriəlti]


名词复数: realties

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  • 【律】不动产
  • 房地产
  • 忠心
  • 诚实
  • =real estate


1. property consisting of houses and land

Synonym: real propertyreal estateimmovable

1. 不动产:简单说来,加拿大除了魁北克外,都是英美法系的天下,除非特别强调,今后系列文章中的所有法律概念都是遵循英美法系的用法,用地产(Real estate)而非用不动产(Realty)的概念.

2. 房地产:| 美国菲友奇国际集团(Future International Group,简称FIG)是美国本土的策略性投资企业,总部位于西雅图,集团的投资领域包括保健(Nutraceuticals)、房地产(Realty)、信息科技与互联网(Internet)、娱乐(Entertainment)、物流(Tran

3. 不动产;房地产:real-time payment versus payment 实时汇款同时交收 | realty 不动产;房地产 | reasonable expenses 合理费用

4. 物业:housing residences住宅 | 小区 : subdistrict;parcel;plot;areola. | 物业:property; real property; real estate; realty

Various problems found in the realty management are just outcomes of the divided ownership of buildings.(物业管理反映出的各种问题是由建筑物区分所有权派生出来的。)
Service which provides by Midland Realty is the main factor.(由美联物业服务提供的主要因素。)
His realty includes a big mansion and several buildings in Taipei.(在台北他的不动产有一栋大厦和若干大楼。)
Being a commodity, the price of realty is influenced by the relation of supply and demand.(房地产作为商品,其价格变动受到供求关系的影响。)
Eventually astrology leads us to transcend the realty and search a meaningful life to fulfill self.(最后星相学学引领我们超越自我,寻找一个有意义的生活来满足自我。)
Colour television is realty a wonder.(彩色电视真是一个奇迹。)
Our realty agent says the sales contract is valid.(我们的房地产代理人称该销售合同是有效的。)
Analysts said the realty market will benefit from the report's guidance in 2015 in various ways.(分析人士表示,房地产市场将在2015年从多方面受益于工作报告的引导性表述。)
Although the value of real estate increase, how would Midland Realty makes use of this opportunity to capitalize the sale.(然而房地产的价值增加了,美联物业该怎么利用这个机会出售。)
Most Indians feel India is a competitor to China, the realty is China is far far ahead and is out of reach.(许多印度人认为中国只竞争对手,实际上中国已经远远跑在前面看都看不到了。)
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