英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:22:02


英 [ˌri:kəm'baɪn]

美 [ˌrikəmˈbaɪn]


过去式: recombined 过去分词: recombined 现在分词: recombining 第三人称单数: recombines

  • 英英释义

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1. to combine or put together again

2. cause genetic recombination

e.g. should scientists recombine DNA?

3. undergo genetic recombination

e.g. The DNA can recombine

1. recombine

1. 重组:重组(Recombine):所有小组重新组合成新的小组,每个新小组由每个旧小组的一名成员联合组成. 新小组的所有成员都来自不同的旧小组. 通过这种方式,学习者有机会在新的小组中展现它们的特长,同时学习者也要快速地适应新的小组环境.


2. 重新结合:要提高LED的效率,就要设法使电子与电洞在很小的区域内重新结合(recombine)并发出光子,以减少无谓的耗散. MIT的装置中包含一层厚度仅几奈米的发光层,夹在上下两层有机薄膜之间;发光层中均匀分布的量子点是直径约3奈米的硒化镉(CdSe)奈米微晶.

3. 重新组合:recombinativerepair 重组修复 | recombine 重新组合 | recombined 调配

But they only recombine in those molecules that are from members of their same species.(但是它们只重组那些来自与它们同一物种的成员的分子。)
That provides ample opportunity for strains to mingle and recombine.(那就给毒株混杂与重组提供充足的机会。)
It means they so absorb the work and ideas of others that they can recombine everything with their own work and thoughts to create something truly theirs.(这意味着在吸收了这个作品的精华和别人的灵感之后,他们就能够通过自己的创作和思考对任何素材进行重组,然后创造出真正属于他们自己的作品。)
This region typically appears red as it glows with the photons emitted when elections recombine with hydrogen protons.(由于氢质子重新结合时放射出光子使这种区域变得炽热,因此它呈现典型的红色。)
These atoms recombine in pairs during the night to form molecules of oxygen gas.(在夜间,这些氧原子再成对地结合成氧气分子。)
When the time for battle came, the units would recombine to engage the enemy.(当需要打仗时,这些小单元会重新组合,与敌人交战。)
The key here is that we want to decompose the functionality in our visitors into smaller pieces and then recombine them to build composite functionality.(此处的关键在于,我们希望将访问者中的功能分解为多个较小的片段,随后重新组合它们来构建复合功能。)
An enterprise can reuse and recombine these services to support different activities, within and beyond the enterprise.(企业可以重用和重组这些服务,以支持不同的活动,不论在企业内部还是外部。)
Even more incredible is the young brain's ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.(更令人难以置信的是,这个年轻的大脑能够从他周围混合的声音中挑选出语言的顺序,并进行分析,以新的方式将语言的各个部分组合再组合。)
The recombine of property is the main form which realizes the strategic adjustment.(资产重组是实现这一战略性调整的主要形式。)
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