英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:24:05



英 [ˈri:di]

美 [ˈridi]


比较级: reedier 最高级: reediest 名词: reediness

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  • 细长的
  • 芦苇丛生的
  • 尖声的
  • 似笛声的
  • 多芦苇的
  • 芦苇做的
  • 芦苇似的
  • 芦苇状的
  • 用芦苇做的
  • 纤弱的
  • 声音似簧乐器的
  • 脆弱的
  • 长满芦苇的
  • 像芦笛声音的
  • 似芦苇的
  • 满是芦苇的
  • 声似簧乐器的
  • (声音)似笛声的


1. resembling a reed in being upright and slender

Synonym: reedlike

2. having a tone of a reed instrument

Synonym: wheezy

1. (声音)尖细的,刺耳的,不悦耳的
If you say that someone has a reedy voice, you think their voice is unpleasant because it is high and unclear.

e.g. The big man had a high-pitched reedy voice.

1. 芦苇丛生:reeducation 再教育 | reedy 芦苇丛生 | reef knot 平结

2. reedy的翻译

2. 芦苇状的:芦苇的arundinaceous | 芦苇状的reedy | 芦苇做的reedy

3. reedy什么意思

3. 芦苇做的:芦苇状的reedy | 芦苇做的reedy | 芦竹碱donaxinegramine

  • 经典引文

  • A..bank..covered with reedy coarse grass.

    出自:F. A. Kemble
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.(但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手。)
The reedy grass covered the whole area.(又细又长的草覆盖着整个地区。)
He spoke with a reedy, quavering voice.(他用尖细而颤抖的声音说话。)
The film tells the used car liquidatortogether tohelpthebrinkofcollapse reedy lines of a car turnaround, but are unprepared inthefaceoflove.(本片讲述了二手车清算人堂里迪帮助濒临倒闭的一个汽车行扭亏为盈,但在爱情面前却手足无措。)
He has a reedy appearance.(他外表瘦长。)
It brought the wild duck back to the reedy marshes of the south;(北雁南飞,去往南方芦苇丛生的湿地。)
The big man had a high-pitched reedy voice.(这个胖男人有个尖而难听的声音。)
Mr. Reedy: Joleen's living the good life, huh?(里德先生:乔琳正在过着好日子呢,哈?)
Leaning her breast against the reedy shore.(她斜倚芦苇侧傍。)
To my right was the small loch, edged with deep reedy banks of moss and thymy turf.(在我右边的是一条小湖,周围是长满苔藓和百里香草的芦苇丛。)
reedy是什么意思 reedy在线翻译 reedy什么意思 reedy的意思 reedy的翻译 reedy的解释 reedy的发音 reedy的同义词