英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 22:06:09



英 [ˈredʒɪmən]

美 [ˈrɛdʒəmən, -ˌmɛn]



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1. (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)

Synonym: regime

1. 养生法
A regimen is a set of rules about food and exercise that some people follow in order to stay healthy.


e.g. Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed.

1. regimen

1. 养生:抗氧化剂和防腐剂(Preservative)稍有不同,3.某人证成的(justified)相信P是真的. 所以他们提出新的养生(regimen)健康食品﹐建议饲主用以餵食宠物、达到养生的延伸诉求.

2. 养生法:支柱,后盾 prop | 养生法 regimen | 默想;坐禅 meditation

3. 生活制度:regeneration 再生 | regimen 生活制度 | region 部

4. 制度:regime 政体 | regimen 制度 | regiment 多数

  • 经典引文

  • From the daily regimen of swimming..and hiking.., we each grow more and more fit.

    出自:P. Roth
  • A stern..regimen: mass in the morning, benediction in the evening.

    出自:I. Hamilton
Though the regimen sounds grueling, it is hardly a starvation diet, experts said.(虽然方案听起来自虐,但不是说是饿死人的那种程度,专家说。)
The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.(医生强制一套严格的饮食起居制度。)
Can a regimen of no playdates, no TV, no computer games and hours of music practice create happy kids?(没有娱乐、没有电视节目、没有电脑游戏、没有音乐练习的生活能否造就快乐的孩子呢?)
And as his injury has recovered, his training regimen is back to normal.(由于他的伤已经恢复了,他的训练也回到正常的轨道。)
She had just that day begun the first of many well-publicized diets: an all-liquid regimen that left her grumpy.(她刚刚开始采用诸多广为人知的减肥食谱的第一项:全流食养生法,这让她脾气暴躁。)
Coverage for effective PMTCT regimen is relatively high at 74%.(有效预防母婴传播治疗方案的覆盖率较高,为74%。)
You don't have to fix super healthy meals all the time or follow a strict regimen of workouts.(你没有必要一直坚持准备非常健康的饮食或者严格遵循生活规律。)
Most trainers recommend a five day per week regimen.(大多数健身教练推荐每周进行5天的身体锻炼。)
Ms. Li said she learned the hard way about the school’s strict regimen.(李小姐说,她从亲身经历的教训中认识到了这所学校的严格。)
Starting a traditional training regimen has two fundamental flaws(传统的训练方式有两个基本的缺陷)
regimen是什么意思 regimen在线翻译 regimen什么意思 regimen的意思 regimen的翻译 regimen的解释 regimen的发音 regimen的同义词