英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:29:52


英 [rɪˈlɪdʒəsli]

美 [rɪˈlɪdʒəslɪ]


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  • 虔诚地
  • 笃信地
  • 审慎地
  • 十分认真地
  • 很有规律地
  • 与宗教相关地
  • 虔敬地


1. by religion

e.g. religiously inspired art

Synonym: sacredly

2. with extreme conscientiousness

e.g. he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock

Synonym: scrupulouslyconscientiously

1. 笃信地;严谨地;认真地
If you do something religiously, you do it very regularly because you feel you have to.


e.g. She didn't stick religiously to the program...
e.g. Do these exercises religiously every day.

2. see also: religious

1. religiously在线翻译

1. 笃信地:religious 虔诚的 | religiously 笃信地 | religiousness 笃信

2. 严格地:Fix the formula:安排处方 | Religiously:严格地 | Fuss about:大惊小怪

3. 虔誠地:liberal 自由主義的 | religiously 虔誠地 | anchorman 主播

4. 十分认真地,不折不扣地;虔诚地:export出口,输出 | religiously十分认真地,不折不扣地;虔诚地 | patience耐心,忍耐力

Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.(每一代都嘲笑往昔的时髦玩意儿,可又维恭维敬地追随新时髦。)
I had an auto loan that I paid off religiously, and later a mortgage that I also paid very conscientiously.(我有一笔汽车贷款,我付得很谨慎;后来有一个抵押贷款,同样付得很认真。)
Respect their expertise and follow their advice religiously.(尊敬专家意见,虔诚地听从他们的建议。)
They also said people with heart disease should stick to their medications religiously.(他们还说,心脏病患者应该坚持药物治疗。)
If these steps are religiously followed, then we could expect the odor to last for only 2 to 3 hours.(如果严格照着这些步骤做,那么大蒜的味道就可以只维持2到3个小时。)
She followed the instructions religiously.(她非常认真地按照说明操作。)
Others partition drives religiously, using specific layouts each and every time.(另一些则笃信驱动器分区,不管何时都要使用特定布局。)
At a time when beards meant a great deal religiously, he's telling the men to shave off their beards.(在那个时代,胡子在宗教上有非常重要的意义,他告诉男人们剃掉他们的胡子。)
At such times, I become downright Amish, religiously committed to avoiding all modern communication technology.(这时候,我干脆变成一名门诺派教徒,虔诚地回避一切现代通讯技术。)
I followed the instructions religiously.(我认真地按指示办事。)
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