英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:32:17


英 [rɪˈpeəmæn]

美 [rɪˈpermæn]



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1. a skilled worker whose job is to repair things

Synonym: maintenance manservice man

1. 维修工
A repairman is a man who mends broken machines such as televisions and telephones.

e.g. ...a cheerful telephone repairman.

1. repairman

1. 修理工人:receptionist :接待员 | repairman :修理工人 | reporter : 记者

2. 修理工:spinster纺织女工 | repairman修理工 | dustman清洁工

3. 巷道修理工:repairer 修理工 | repairman 巷道修理工 | repeated stress 反复应力

4. 修配工:repair修理 | repairman修配工 | repeataccuracy重复精度

Let me call a repairman to do it.(我去叫一个修理工来。)
The television repairman who wears uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes.(穿着制服的电视修理工往往比穿便服出现的电视修理工能激发更多信任感。)
Television repairman was a common occupation in the 1950s, for instance.(例如,电视修理工在20世纪50年代是一个很普遍的职业。)
Repairman: Repairman. May I come in?(修理工:修理工,我能进来吗?)
ENID: a roof repairman, huh?(伊妮德:屋顶修理工,是吧?)
Repairman: What can I do?(维修员:我需要做什么?)
CHUCK: ma 'am, I work as a roof repairman.(查克:夫人,我是一名屋顶修理工。)
I assure you, the repairman will arrive in on time.(我向你保证,修理工马上就到。)
Repairman: That's wise.(维修员:那是明智的。)
If there is a leak or some moisture, call a repairman immediately.(如果有泄漏或一些湿气,立刻告诉安装工。)
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