英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:33:05


英 [rɪ'paɪn]

美 [rɪˈpaɪn]


名词: repiner 过去式: repined 过去分词: repined 现在分词: repining 第三人称单数: repines

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. express discontent

1. 抱怨:rephrase 改述 | repine 抱怨 | replace by 取代

2. 不满,心中抱怨:Rapine:劫掠,掠夺 | Repine:不满,心中抱怨 | Decompose:使腐败

3. repine

3. 鸣不平:rephrase 改撰 | repine 鸣不平 | replace 更换

4. 不满; 埋怨, 发牢骚; 烦恼 (动):rephrase 改述, 改撰 (动) | repine 不满; 埋怨, 发牢骚; 烦恼 (动) | replaceable 可替换的; 可放在原处的; 可置换的 (形)

  • 经典引文

  • I don't say this isn't a..nuisance...Still, repining won't get us anywhere.

    出自:C. P. Snow
  • Why should anyone repine at the more luxurious fate of another?

    出自:W. Golding
Why, why repine, my pensive friend.(我沉思的朋友,为何,为何抱怨。)
I do not repine.(我并不感到烦恼。)
I will not pause either to accuse or repine.(我不会停下来控诉或者发牢骚。)
This is the common fate of mortal men, useless it is to repine.(这是凡人的共同命运,抱怨也没有用。)
EXAMPLE: Despite his many financial problems, the optimistic young executive did not repine, and always expressed a bright, confident attitude.(尽管出了很多财务问题,这位乐观的年轻高管并不懊恼,始终展现出乐观、自信的态度。)
He escaped us--but it was God's will, yes it was God's will, we must not repine.(他从我们手里逃脱了——但这是上帝的意志,是的,这是上帝的意志,我们不应该抱怨。)
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